What are your favorite self-made blends?
I really love my Vampire Lemonade. I know, I know, self-promoting and all that. But I’m proud of it! It’s great iced, great hot, great whenever, especially if you have to cut back on caffeine ahem like I do. If anyone ever wants to sample it, PM me. :)
I love my Pink Pearls blend – it’s a green rooibos & jasmine blend, with dried fruits and little sugar pearls. I also enjoy my Fresh Start blend which is licorice root and peppermint, and San Diego Sunshine – green rooibos and citrus flavors. I love blending up my own concoctions – and if you ever want to try any of mine, please let me know. We can swap custom blends. :)
I like adding a bit of rooibos to black tea because it ads some natural sweetness.
My two personal favorites from all the blends I have created including Zodiac (here I’m referring to the old/discontinued blends) are:
Red Dragon
and 4 Seasons. Autumn.
Generally, however, IMHO professionals do a better job which is hardly surprising.
From my Adagio samples… Hazelnut Cream.
My son Leif actually made hazelnut cream last night! He called it Hazelcream :)
Found this thread and I am curious if more people make their own blends ?
I recently made two blends. :)
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For me:
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