Can meds affect taste of tea?
I’ve been on antibiotics and an inhaler for bronchitis. I pulled out an Oolong today and it has kind of a soapy taste! Has anyone else had this happen? It does not surprise me, but blah!
Out of curiosity I pulled out some Big Red Robe and it tastes ‘off’ as well. Drat! Guess I will have to hold off the more delicate teas for a while. Maybe try a Shou Pu-erh or tisane. I finally get a day to relax..I want my tea!! lol!
It seems some certain types of antibiotics can affect your absorption of zinc, and zinc deficiency can lead to a “metallic” bad taste in the mouth. So it is possible that is what is happening to you.
Some inhalers will have a taste that will linger and might effect the taste of the tea. If the inhaler is straight albuteral I don’t think it would have too much effect but it could have some.
Since you brought up the subject of things affecting sense of taste just thought I would mention how much better these senses become if you spend enough time eating whole foods without artificial flavorings or preservatives etc and also avoid using body care products with artifical scents. It’s not only rewarding to your senses but you wake up everyday feeling better and is almost always cheaper than heavily processed foods. Warning though, some places and people that have been a part of your life may smell too intense to be around if you eat cleaner. But I feel like that is highly offset by how much more you will enjoy tea.
Tea only tastes metallic to me when I’m sick or the water has a high iron content.
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