Turkish Tea Flavor Profile in New York

I was in Cincinnati recently and found an extraordinary black tea with these ingredients: date pieces, sultanas, sliced almonds, figs, and vanilla pieces.

It honestly almost tastes like a powdered cafe latte drink I used to have as a child, which brings back a ton of nostalgia. It’s likely that the tea is so almond heavy.

I’m trying to find an equivalent in the NYC area; any suggestions?

6 Replies

The tea you are describing sounds like a tea I have: https://steepster.com/teas/esp-emporium/71333-date-slash-fig-slash-sesame-black-tea

But ESP emporium has since shut down. They had to have sourced their teas from somewhere though, so you should be able to find it somewhere?

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Found a site that sells a tea with the same ingredients called “TURKISH BAZAAR BLACK TEA

I just searched copying and pasting your wording and came up with this: https://www.churchillsteas.com/turkish-bazaar-black-tea.html
It seems like the same tea I have from ESP. Though that site is a little odd as they aren’t saying how much tea you’re buying for the price.

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That’s the one I found. That is odd that they wouldn’t say that. Sorry I should have probably looked at it a bit more before I posted.

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So, Turkish bazaar black tea is the name of the tea I bought at Churchill’s in Cincinnati, yes. Because it’s excellent, I would like to find an equivalent in Manhattan.

Oh, okay, but you don’t want to order one online?

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