Our newest Tea of the Week: Green Apple Watermelon

705 Replies

Lemon chai? Seriously? That sounds good.

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Oh wow, Lemon Meringue chai sounds amazing! I sorta wish it wasn’t on a black base though. I also love the image on this tea. So bright and cheery!

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Oof, I want cherry cheesecake genmaicha! Must drink all my marshmallow treat and s’mores first! :(

Sil select said

same… just can’t break my tea buying self imposed ban. gah!

Fiddling said

If the cherry cheesecake was a black or rooibos, there would have been no way I could have resisted temptation.

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Oh man want them all, plus others. Hopefully everything I want is still left.on pay day.

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Lala said

I would absolutely love a cold brew tea bag! Please, please, please use your magic to create some.

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TeaLady441 said

French Toast tea sounds so good. And you have Butterbeer in stock! :O
And my boyfriend might be interested in the cherry vanilla cola! This could be bad for my wallet.

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Gah.. french toast tea. It’s calling to me.. that I review it on my blog with photos of my homemade french toast. Gah!!!!


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ifjuly said

oooh this is tempting!

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Tealizzy said

French Toast! I love French Toast! And I’ve been wanting another genmaicha too and you have the browncoat one in stock. This is bad for my tea budget!!

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YOU MADE IT!!!! I can’t wait to try some. I have been looking for a good comfort black tea.

Thanks for the suggestion. I used to try to credit people for the ideas, but my memory for these things is terrible and I get sooo many suggestions… Anyway, thanks.

pssh, don’t worry about it. I’m just stoked that it was made!

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