Our newest Tea of the Week: Green Apple Watermelon
WHy can I never find the reblends?!!!
Just visit the Available Now section: http://www.zoomdweebies.com/Available-NOW_c_32.html
and you can sort by oldest to newest, low stock, high stock, etc…
For example, how would I have known marshmallow was reblended if I didn’t read it here?
They have a newsletter you can sign up for, that’s how I found out! Also Twitter and a tumblr with all the new announcements
I also sent emails to everyone who signed up to be notified when the Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha was back in stock.
Can you check to see if I was on that list? I am pretty sure I was and did not get an email – unless I am mistaken and failed to sign up for that one.
I don’t see you on the list. And the list emails DID go out. I was signed up for a couple of them myself, from when I was testing the system, and I got them.
Okay thanks for checking I guess I just missed that one but didn’t miss getting some YAY :)
OH. I forgot to mention. We’re running a 24-hour half-price sale on our Earl Black. You can pick up a pouch for just $4.50. Save 50% while they last.
I just got some on your buy one get one deal, but I love it so much I might have to get more!
Is the marshmallow really gone already?! Jeeze people! I need to be faster on the draw!
Yeah. The marshmallow treat sold out in a blink. The Tea of the Week also sold out right away. Had to add a few more to the inventory.
Guys I’m placing an order, should I get both smors and marshmellow treat? What else? Raspberry cream? Pina Colada?
Get both! Of their current stock I would recommend Raspberry Cream, Boo Berry, Weeping Angel & White Christmas!
Raspberry Cream is delicious! I really want to get more of that as well but can’t justify THAT and the two genmaicha when I still have plenty of that left.
Ok in my cart currently: Marshmellow, Smores, Cuba Libre, Raspberry, Doggy, and Coconut Cheesecake Honeybush. Any you were recommend as a sub?
I adore and I mean ADORE strawberry zabaglione. Its in my PERMA stash and as soon as I run out I get more.
Hmm ok Azzrian have you tried Cuba Libre? I have the strawberry pie honeybush, how does it compare?
I guess what I’m also really trying to decide is what caffeine free one to get. Since I need one without caffeine.
I have not tried either of those yet. I have some Cuba Libre on the way at some point as LiberTeas and I split a subscription but she gets it delivered to her and I wait to get them from her. I have never tried the Strawberry Pie Honeybush but give me a second and I will see what they have in a non caffeine that I could recommend.
If you get a chance you should try the Strawberry Pie Honeybush. Sooo good :) And I breathlessly await your recommendation.
Chocolate Malt Honeybush – I hear a lot of raves about this one.
Just FYI I do not like rooibos and prefer honeybush by far.
I really enjoyed Cinnamon Roll honeybush myself.
Lol now I can’t decide between chocolate malt and coconut cheesecake. Decisions decisions.
I don’t know since it is getting warm out! I am getting a bunch of coconut teas at Davids when the spring collection comes out tomorrow so maybe just cinnamon roll, if it is really that good ;)
Congrats on your first order, btw. I appreciate the business & hope you enjoy your teas.
Lol Frank not my first, first time on the new website but I defos have a 52 teas stash in my cupboard.
But still exciting! I haven’t been able to justify it all february because nothing was must have for me and I was on a tea buying ban.
Sorry, all of that indecision and the fact that I got a notice that you had registered as a new customer. I thought I recognized your name, but then second-guessed myself. LOL.
That’s ok haha funny enough my husband also has an account with you because I make him buy me things when I’m not allowed to spend anymore money on tea. So we actually have a bit longer history but it splits the orders in two lol.
Just added some more stock to the S’mores Genmaicha. We only had one left. (I just added ten more, and I think that’s ALL the genmaicha I have right now.)
Darn — sold out already. Guess I wasn’t fast enough.
ETA: Oops, I replied in the wrong area. I was looking for the Marshmallow Treat Genmaicha, not the S’Mores. Sorry!
Already sold out? Waahhh! Anyone wanna do a swap with me for a sample? :)
I impulse bought the last S’mores to go with my Earl Black. If you can wait until I get home at the end of the month, I’ll trade samples with ya!
I jumped on this as soon as I saw the facebook post. Got the s’mores and the marshmellow treat. Also finally ordered some pancake breakfast I’ve been meaning to try it and since it said there were only 5 left… Frank are you discontinuing the pancake breakfast black?
I’m still contemplating the idea of not having any permanent blends. Now that customers have the option of joining a waiting list for the teas they want reblended, I’m considering reducing my inventory and just trying to be extra responsive to customer demand.
What if you rotated the permanent blends? Say the top three sellers from the previous quarter, that way if people love what they try they can stock up with a second order but it will change often enough.
Or maybe reblend your top five sellers from 2012, until your limited run is out of stock! (going by how fast it sells, or maybe a survey/most requested)
Was also thinking, what if you ran a contest to see who could come up with the nerdiest/coolest idea for a tea? I would SO get in on that!!
I don’t think it will necessarily mean fewer teas, just different ones all the time. I have a few teas that I put in the permanent collection because they were initially big sellers or because they were what I thought of as representative of our awesomeness, but that never really sold consistently. I can think of about four or five teas that actually turn over pretty regularly: Malted ChocoMate, Coconut Cream Pie, Pancake Breakfast, Strawberry Zabaglione and maybe the Maple Bacon. The others, including even our award-winning Pina Colada Honeybush kind of ebb and flow in popularity. I’m thinking some of these blends maybe just need to come back at certain times during the year. I’m sure I don’t have all of the answers, but I hate using limited resources for blends that are going to sit on the shelf when people are asking for other blends.
I LOVE the idea of the contest. In fact, I’ve been thinking about another nerdy blend in honor of the upcoming Star Trek: Into Darkness movie. Maybe I will make that a contest…
ahhh!! star trek tea! YES! I already have some ideas on that!!
Ah so what if you tracked sales in a spreadsheet, and if in the last X months, the average isn’t above X dollars, you would discontinue it, or shelve it for awhile? Once you set it up in excel, it wouldn’t take that much effort, especially if you make it so that it updates directly from your inventory count.
Star Trek tea, nice. Uh… earl grey? :)
How many teas are there for The Hobbit?
Aw.. I still like the idea of permanent blends.. I like being able to place an order without having to wait for a blend or risk it being sold out. It’s also nice to pop another blend into your cart while you are buying the weekly blend. I missed the marshmallow treat reblend while at school, and I was also on the reblend/request list. Darn! :(
Maybe I will rotate a few semi-permanent blends. I’m still thinking on it. And I ordered some more genmaicha so I could make more Marshmallow Treat. Thinking about making a peanut butter one…
I’m excited to see the new Star Trek movie with Benedict Cumbermatch. It’s such a strange name that I want to keep saying it. Cumbermatch. Humperdink, Humperdink Humperdink!
Frank, thank you for planning to make more Marshmallow Treat! I’m dying over here. And peanut butter is an awesome idea.
I’m patiently waiting for my s’more genmaicha to be shipped. Guessing we swarmed you with our marshmallow craziness, Frank?
(guessing so, as I haven’t see any post about this tea yet) I’m happy to wait for amazing tea!
Also anxiously waiting! And because I am in Canada I will have to wait even longer for it to get here :( Oh well it will be worth it.
For those that don’t know, I’m kind of a one-man-band, and the truth is, I’m an accountant during the day and aspiring tea mogul in my spare time. Tax season throws a wrench into things as my spare time becomes really sparse. Fortunately tax season will be over soon and things will start winding down. For now, orders are running a little slow and I apologize. I’m pretty sure most of the orders I currently have will ship on Wednesday.
Maybe next year 52teas will be successful enough that I can quit doing taxes. LOL.
I figured you were just bogged down Frank, but I am still super excited for the big order to get here. I wanted to share that your teas inspired me to bake while I wait: I just made my first strawberry pie! It’s gluten free too, so here’s hoping it is just as good as your tea :D
I should mention I used up the very last of the genmaicha to reblend the S’mores Genmaicha and it’s probably not going to last very long. I’ll probably make some more when I get some more genmaicha in, but that might be a month from now.
;_; Just became a Coconut Cream Pie addict. And now … there’s none left in stock. sniffle
I put myself on the waiting list, so that’s a bit comforting, but still… Me wants. I’ll have to drink through my pouch slowly in the meantime.
I love you for offering, but unfortunately the only teas I have that I’m willing to part with isn’t enough for a suitable trade. Dx Thankyou though. Otherwise I’d leap all over that. xD Here’s hoping Frank will find some time to blend some for me ;)
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