Our newest Tea of the Week: Green Apple Watermelon

705 Replies

My husband would this blend. He loves raspberries. Wish it came out a little earlier, it would have made the perfect Valentines Day gift for him. :). Still may have to get though.

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Oh my goodness, this sound super delicious!

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T.C. said

Quick question for you:
I placed two orders (one on the 5th and another on the 8th). I haven’t received shipping notices for either yet and ones over a week old now. Is this normal?

I’m afraid occasionally it IS. I’m something of a one man band, and I operate 52teas in my spare time, which is a bit more limited during tax season (I’m an accountant in the muggle world). I try to get packages out at least once a week. I will be getting caught up again tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.

T.C. said

No prob, that’s why I was asking. Just making sure they didn’t get lost in the shuffle.

Sil select said

On that note, I sent you an email this week and just wanted to make sure you received it. It’s about one of my most recent orders for Walter bishop tea. I think I sent it Monday/Tuesday so I figured if I hadn’t heard from you by Friday I’d poke you again since I know this is your side job :)

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Sounds good

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The next tea order I place will be with 52 teas…gotta save up first! :)

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yepp I ordered the new one. Even though I don’t drink, this sounds wicked good. Added a Weeping Angel to the order too :)

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Azzrian said

Sounds excellent I used to drink these all of the time! I can’t wait to get mine (and a lot of the other recent blends from LiberTeas since we split a monthly subscription. WOOT!

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Kittenna said

YEEAAAAH! S’MORES GENMAICHA! Also Marshmallow Treat. So glad I discovered them before Frank posted on here :D :D

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Alphakitty said

S’mores Genmaicha AND a reblend of marshmallow treat?! I am in tea heaven.

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NOOOOOO Smores genmaicha! crap, there goes my no buy! But with 52 Teas, I make exceptions for!

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