Our newest Tea of the Week: Green Apple Watermelon

705 Replies

Gosh darn it, Frank, stop being so popular! Every time I finally decide its in my budget to buy some tea from you it’s sold out!

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ashmanra said

Firefly is only the best tv show ever made. Ever.

Actually, Fringe would have my vote. I guess since I’ve never watched Firefly … does that mean I’m not a nerd?

Zephyr select said

Agreed Firefly is amazing. Capain Mal forever <3. I mean I love Nathan in Castle but its just not the same I want Captain Mal back!

Uniquity said

It took me most of the season to fall in love with Firefly, but I got there eventually. Must admit I far prefer Fillion on Castle though…and I may like Fringe more than Firefly! :O

Fringe is my favorite show on TV. And I am so sad that this is the last season, and there are about a handful of episodes left in the season. I might actually cry when the season ends. I will miss Walter Bishop. I’ve grown rather fond of him!

Zephyr select said

I do enjoy Fringe as well and Walter is my favorite. I will be so sad to not have new funny moments from him anymore :’-(

Uniquity said

I had no idea this is the last season – we’re only caught up to last year’s. I tend to wait until a season is finished to watch it. Walter makes the show for me!

@Uniquity: I feel the same way. I mean, it’d be an alright show without Walter, but, Walter pushes it from alright to my favorite show.

Hey Frank! We need a tea that is dedicated to Walter Bishop. He likes Strawberry Milkshakes and red licorice and coffee cake. And blue cotton candy (not pink).

Zephyr select said

Yes Frank please make a Walter themed tea! That would be an instant purchase :-)

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Bee said

That clip is the only appropriate way to respond to this!

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Ag select said

You had me at “Browncoat”. :D
Edit: And ooh, Weeping Angel reblend?! YES!

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Genmaicha and Firefly?!?!? This is awesome!

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I was half asleep but I woke right up when I saw “Browncoat”. Browncoat Genmaicha! Nice!

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Gah, Y U do this to me?!?!?

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Andie select said

Just when I resolve to stop ordering tea until 2013………….. Not only is it Firefly themed… BUT CHOCOLATE GENMAICHA! How can I resist that?

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Love the name, and get the reference :)

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Zephyr select said

Why do you do this to me Frank? Firefly and chocolate genmaicha I could not resist…..but I will eagerly await the package in the mail XD

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