Our newest Tea of the Week: Green Apple Watermelon

705 Replies
Shmiracles said

i just tried to place an order and it freakin sold out in the 3 minutes it took me to find my credit card and decide if i wanted to add the 12 days of xmas tea box. BOOOOOOOO!
no weeping angels for me this time. maybe later.

Shmiracles said

not my lucky day i guess.

Shmiracles said

but i was gonna drink it from my timelord mug and everything :(

Someone placed some Paypal orders that failed. (They later got a pouch with a cc.) So I had to delete the three failed Paypal orders, and if you look now, there are three more pouches in stock. Might be more after I get a final pouch count later today. =)

Kittenna said

Yikes! I hope my order went through! I had a little credit card/Paypal issue (wrong card linked), but I’m hoping it worked… (I got a confirmation, etc.)

Shmiracles said

SCORE!!!!! order confirmation.
my tardis dress has a date with some creepy and delicious tea in it’s future :)
thank you!

@Kittenna, if you got a confirmation, your order went through. For some reason, people occasionally have issues with Paypal and our site. I haven’t been able to figure out what the problem is yet, but MOST of the time, if you clear your browser cache & cookies from us, it will work fine. IF you had a problem, you would know: it would start to go to the Paypal site and show an error message. So, no worries. Unfortunately, each time it fails like that, it creates an incomplete order in my system and reduces the inventory of any items the customer put in the cart, so I have to go into the back end and remove the orders to correct the inventory. That’s why it sometimes looks like my inventory wobbles up and down on some items.

@Shmiracles, glad you got some. Just be careful handling the pouch with that image of the weeping angel… =)

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ashmanra said

So, Frank, with the Mostly Harmless reference I am now wondering if we will ever see a Pangalactic Gargle Blaster tea?

Em said

Ooooo. I’d buy that in heartbeat. Will it have 42 flavors?

ohmygoodness, that would be SO fun. Consider me sold :P
The answer to everything isn’t 42… it’s TEA!

Are ALL tea-ophiles geeks?

Em said

Good question, Indigobloom. Maybe you should start a topic on that :)

ashmanra said

I think there is an extraordinarily high percentage of geeks among us! :)

I am not a geek. Just because I love Harry Potter and have watched it/read the books about a thousand times each … that does not make me a geek. Or a nerd. LOL

And it totally does not make me a geek that I know what the Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster is. I think that the Pan-Galatic Gargle Blaster should be made with a combination of roasted yerba mate, Guayusa, and Lapsang Souchong, and flavored with Whiskey and lemon.

I personally think that Frank should do a series of teas based on Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy. He could do an Arthur Dent Blend which could be the Radioactivity blend + some Bergamot.

And there could be the Zaphod blend. I don’t know what you’d put in it… but … just do this: the craziest blend you ever concoct, that should be the Zaphod blend.

And just so that he doesn’t feel left out, you should make a Marvin blend. His blend should be a really upbeat, cheerful blend to contrast with his personality.

And “42” … Frank needs to create a “42” blend. Yes. I haven’t figured out what the 42 blend will be though…

LOL LiberTEAS, I see your vision!! not sure how a kitchen sink type deal would work, could be a little too much. Perhaps something to do with rainbows? (the angle at which light reflects off water is 42)
Ahhhh yes I am proud to be a geek! yes I am :P

Ashmanra, yes I very much agree!!

Em, I think you’re right. Dashing out of the house in a bit, I will start that later! unless someone else beats me to the punch, which is ok to :)

I watched the movie over the weekend, and I’ve decided that there should also be a Slartibartfast blend. Only because I love his name. I haven’t decided what flavor Slartibartfast would be, but, I think that Slartibartfast should be immortalized with his own blend.

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cuppaT said

Just received my Weeping Angel tea. Gonna see how well it goes with an old Dr. Who episode.

Shmiracles said

ooo! Yay which episode!?
(I wonder which episode I’ll pick)

cuppaT said

“Blink”, of course!

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Alphakitty said

NOOOOO I love cheesecake genmaichas but banana is the ONE flavor I cannot stand ;~; I am weeping but my bank account is thankful.

Babble said

I, too, hate banana. But my boyfriend LOVES it, and I’m so very tempted to get him this tea. I don’t know what he thinks about genmaicha, though.

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I personally LOVE banana teas… so I’m dancing over this blend. Not physically, but in my mind, I’m doing the snoopy happy dance. http://youtu.be/hUQX2B67KL4

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If I’m not able to get the 12 teas of Christmas, this might just be what I buy to comfort me, instead!

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Bee said

Banana and genmaicha teas are two of my biggest weaknesses! I told myself I was going to hold off on ordering any more teas after I bought the 12 Teas of Christmas collection but now…

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I hope Frank is ok! saw the new tea up on the site and this thread hasn’t been updated yet…

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