Our newest Tea of the Week: Green Apple Watermelon

705 Replies
Frolic select said

Does anyone remember when the 12 days of christmas teas came out last year and how much they cost? I’m trying to budget.

LOL. Funny you should ask. JUST posted: http://www.52teas.com/2012/11/03/12-teas-of-christmas-2012/

Frolic select said

I’m psychic.

Apparently. That was some spooky timing for sure.

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Janefan said

I would love an actual Raspberry Earl Grey blend (black), since Zhena’s was such a lovely surprise to me. But, I’ve never tried green rooibos at all, so I don’t know if this is a good place for me to start. It would be caffeine free though…

But no, I already have a 52teas order in the pipe, and them I am on a self-imposed online shopping hiatus (except for Christmas gifts. For other people, not myself!)

Babble said

Good luck resisting the upcoming black Friday sales ;)

I personally prefer green rooibos to red, I don’t know if that means anything to you Janefan… the green is lighter and fruitier than the red.

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Em said

I totally LOVE Doctor Who and LOVE tea. What a great combo :) Must buy!!

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Sil select said

I reaaaaaly want this for the name alone, but having a hard time reconcilling that with the actual tea. Mostly I just need someone to pick this up and let me try it to satisfy my Dr Who need to have this. heh

Em said

Wanna split it? I’ll send you some :)

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ashmanra said

My girls and I got every single reference in your write up, Frank. Is that sad? Or really, really AWESOME? :) You know I have to have it!

I just have to say I did too and it is, “REALLYREALLY AWESOME!!!”

ashmanra said

I am sitting by the front door and my tea isn’t here yet! I ordered it a whole two hours ago! If I had a TARDIS, I could go forward in time to the day it arrives and try it. Maybe if I put on my daughter’s Tom Baker scarf and have some Jelly Babies, the time will pass more quickly!

LOL :)

Em said

ashmanra – reminds me of a scene in the movie Scott Pilgrim. Scott falls for an Amazon delivery girl, so he orders something online and immediately sits by the door waiting :) Love it! BTW – Jelly Babies are awesome!!!

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You know I’m a HUGE fan of Dr. Who and this blend sounds delicious. So I had to order one. Can I just say, those “Weeping Angels” freak me out.

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Is it really sold out already?! I don’t see it on the site… “in stock” page

Oops. Fixing that now. Thanks for the heads up.

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Can’t resist this one! Sounds delicious and how could I say no to all of the doctor who references in the description?

I was wondering though, is coconut cream pie no longer part of the permanent collection? I was going to get a bag of it with my order, I’ve been meaning to try it, but I don’t see it listed on the site.

It’s there, under “52teas Permanent Collection” but here’s a link: http://www.52teas.com/2009/02/22/022209-coconut-cream-pie-flavored-black-tea/

Thanks for the link, I must just be sleepy.

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cuppaT said

I wasn’t going to fall for what I consider a highly unethical business practice such as this but, damn, I blinked — and when I opened my eyes discovered I had placed an order…

It would be a great blend even if it wasn’t gimmicky. I know it’s gimmicky. I couldn’t resist a bit of fun.

cuppaT said

No worries! The blend sounds yummy. I shall dig out an old Tom Baker and prepare to immerse myself in tea and fantasy.

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scowls at the mention of The Empty Writer

But it’s Whotea. Damn. What to do.

The Empty Writer?

Haha. Let’s just say I’m not a big fan of Moffat.

Tea sounds good, though! When the package arrives, and my family gives me the stinkeye, I’ll just point to the packaging. “See? But it’s Doctor Who themed. I couldn’t possibly pass that up.”

They’ll understand, right…?

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