Our newest Tea of the Week: Green Apple Watermelon

705 Replies
Cedes said

I swear I don’t sleep Monday’s cause all I do is stock the website waiting to the new tea if the week so I can grabsome because everytime I wake up the next morning they are sold out.

Sil select said

Lol I stalk the website every day in case things are randomly put up haha.

Cedes said

Lol well I’m glad I’m not the only one :)

Oh you def aren’t. I have been doing the same most of the night. :)

Haha! I do the same thing and I’m a subscriber so I don’t have to worry about it selling out. I stalk to see what the new blend is because sometimes the newsletter doesn’t arrive in my mailbox until the next day. It’s a slow delivery. And, I can’t wait that long. LOL!

Babble said

Did frank even make a post anywhere that stuff got reblended (like the gen mai cha) or did someone just discover it?

Cedes said

I think someone just discovered it. I didn’t see any post about it.

I don’t think there was one. i just check the site quite a bit on Monday nights to see if anything has been updated and stumble upon it. It was then a mad dash to get as many of the re-blends as possible.

I don’t think the genmaicha was re-blended. But there are a few others that were that I stumbled on this afternoon.

The marshmallow genmaicha was reblended but went within seconds of it being posted. I tried to get a couple bags of it with no luck.

Cedes said

Was the reblends what the tea of the week is going to be? Im kinda new to 52 teas so I was just wondering.

I don’t think he’s ever done a reblend as the tea of the week. The tea of the week is usually something new.

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Quick note: I’m running behind this week and today is my wife’s birthday. Probably won’t get the new Tea of the Week posted until tomorrow. Sorry.

Happy Birthday, Shari!

I was just about to post a note about me tapping my foot, waiting impatiently for the Tea of the Week… but, I accept your reason. You should craft an amazing blend just for her birthday. :)

Azzrian said

Happy Birthday to your wife! :)

Happy birthday wife! I’m off to buy some oolong!!!

teawade said

Happy belated birthday to your wife! I guess we can’t be selfish and have you working to make great tea flavors ALL the time.

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AM I missing the new reblends? OR is the apricot one?

I posted several reblends yesterday, and included that comment in my post tonight for the benefit of folks who aren’t following us close enough to have noticed yesterday. (probably no one here. LOL). Also, I DID blend some more of the Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake Honeybush.

I only see the ones that were already reblends last week….? I’m really tired so I COULD be just really slow on the giddyup right now…

Frolic select said

I was hoping for more marshmallow rice treat tea cause i missed yesterdays reblends :(

Oh well I ordered the peanut butter cup reblend. :)

I think that the marshmallow treat reblend has already sold out.

I can’t believe that I missed the marshmallow treat reblend. :( Any chance of adding this tea to the permanent collection?

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Kittenna said

AGGHHHH. Dilemma! Do I order another PB cup cheesecake honeybush along with my Caramel Apple Oolong?!

YES…it’s divine. Actually no, because I want there to be some left for me to order…..

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momo said

Even though I have the subscription I want to order more of this one before I even try it, I love oolong and I love caramel apples. Ahhhh.

Kittenna said

FYI I may have sent one to your place for myself… looks shifty And may order another PB cup one too… I feel like I’m abusing the free shipping to the US…

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KittyKat88 said

If you throw in another batch of graveyard mist I’ll cave and buy the caramel and the mist lol. I am tempted with the caramel apple….

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Babble said

So tempted to buy the peanut butter blend. I’m normally not a huge herbal fan, but it sounds so good. Trying to resist.

This decision was easier when the tea wasn’t in stock, LOL.

Kittenna said

I KNOW! I already bought one, but won’t have it in my hands for at least a few weeks (my choice), but the reviews are good, and I’m contemplating getting a second one… which is now possible as there’s another reblend… argh!

Rachel- I grabbed several bags. Let me know if you would like some :)

Babble said

Awesome, I’ll shoot you a PM! :)

I ordered it Tuesday night after waiting for the new blend. But I want to order more. I feel that I should order more caramel pumpkin cheesecake as well, even though I already have too much tea for one person.

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Angrboda said

Okay, I know I’ve said that 52teas has been declared Out Of Reach, due to the way the tax and customs people seem have magnetic attractions to those particular shipments. But caramel apple oolong? I need that in my life. Like air! Caramel? Yes, I never say no to caramel! Apple? I’m very prone to apple tea after I tried the apple black from Kusmi and it grew on me. Oolong from FUJIAN???? The only way this stuff could have any more of my buzzwords in it is if it had been a Tan Yang base.

In which case I would probably have cried when finding it to be sold out…

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Sil select said

Oh man…. Like I need more tea… Peppermint…dark chocolate….crap

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Alphakitty said

Ah man, so tempted! I skipped on the Graveyard Mist because I don’t really like spearmint, but now the peppermint blend has rooibos! I guess my wallet is saved for one week… unless the Caramel Apple gets reblended.

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