Our newest Tea of the Week: Green Apple Watermelon
Hey Frank,
Have you ever thought about putting some of your hard to sell blends on another site like Amazon? With Christmas coming up, people are looking for unique gifts, maybe even some Doggie Tea!
Peanut Butter! I’m in for 2 bags. Woohoo!!!! I’m thinking maybe I should have bought one more. . . .
Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake. Oooooooh, Frank…this is just sick and wrong! Yeah, I bought a bag ;0)
Oh dood, peanut butter cup cheesecake? Thats crazy awesome and I need a good sweet tooth tea for night time!
Ugh, I want the Peanut Butter one sooo bad, but I already bought the last 3 weeks blends and I am trying to limit myself to 2 52teas a month. But… peanut butter cup….
Oops, checked and saw there were only 5 and gave in. ^^; The last 3 I got (Booberry, Pumpkin caramel cheesecake, marshallow genmaicha) have been some of my all-time favorites which helped make this decision easier! I really do need to catch up on reviews…
Noooo. How could you? :(
I doubt there will be any left Friday but if there are I am buying some.
There is a good amount since I checked, but I am not hopeful they will last till Friday :(
Just posted a few more to inventory. My batch should have at least the 12 more pouches I just added. After that, I’ll have to do a more careful count. MAYBE 1 or 2 extra… if my wife doesn’t claim them. =)
No… Just went to order and there are none left. So devastated :’(
Frank, I need this one!
Is it just me or have the past few flavors gone really quickly? I barely managed to snag a few of them.
Not just you, I was thinking the exact same thing. And it sucks horribly since I’m in Canada, and don’t want to pay 1.99 extra every time… so I’m using the awesome Momo as an in-between. Luckily I think the only tea I’ve missed out on that I really wanted was Boo-berry, but I’m sure it will be re-blended. (Everything else that I missed, I desperately want to sample, but probably only sample.)
I think Boo-berry went the fastest, but anything that sells out THAT fast is most definitely headed for a reblend! I wonder if the sellouts are because of increased demand or if they were just particularly popular flavors?
I’m 99% sure it’s increased demand. Only Frank can tell us if sales are improving, but it seems to me that teas are selling out rather quickly. The re-blends fly off the… site…, and many of the new blends are as well. Especially since every other blend is cheesecake, haha.
I definetly feel they are flying out of there. I wanted to order a few today, but 3 of the flavours I was hoping for are gone.
I wonder if he increases batch sizes according to how many subscriptions are being filled too. If not, you’d think that when there are more subscribers who have guaranteed access to the tea that would leave less for the non-subscribers (Not that it would be bad – there needs to be a benefit to subscription).
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