SteveS1979 said


well… I was looking for an existing thread to put this question in… and got sucked into reading a thread about how many YouTube followers a certain vendor has… So I’m starting a new discussion just for meeee!

I want to go on a vacation for tea drinking. I am really only interested in puer (I can’t figure out how to enjoy oolongs, but I’d really like to…) I’m not ready for a trip to China (London is probably out too…) really I’d like something in the USA. Which city or state or area has the best tea houses? Vendors please chime in. Well traveled seasoned veteran tea drinkers- please, your input will be very useful.

Just FYI – I’m from LA and I’ve been seriously drinking tea since March, and I blow my tea budget (if not my entire paycheck) on young shengs each month.

13 Replies
AJ said

Could pop up across the border to Vancouver Canada, hit up Chinese Tea Shop, Treasure Green, O5, Silver Crescent, Cultivate in one go, Best Tea House if you’re willing to drive out a bit more to Richmond (plus the other teashops immediately surrounding it).

Probably also meet up with some of the VTS people for a cuppa if you’re brave enough.

SteveS1979 said

VTS? what’s that? also… I’m kind of not allowed in Canada

AJ said

Vancouver Tea Society.

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What do you mean you can’t figure out how to enjoy oolongs

SteveS1979 said

I want to like them, and I keep trying different types, vendors, and brewing methods… just haven’t found any combination that I really want to drink all the time… the best luck I have had is using a really low leaf to water ratio (like 1 to 50) and still it’s just ok

Dustin said

Same. Oolongs often have a flat cardboard like taste to me. :/

SteveS1979 said

for me it’s the floral taste that I dont like… I think it reminds me of that time in college where I drank way too much southern comfort on an empty stomach… I’m sure you know how this story ends.

i think if you dont like them you dont like them, there’s not a trick for it like a puzzle. maybe try something heavily roasted?

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Dustin said

I made a map a while back of many tea shops and some places that sell tea in the bay area. I’m not sure who carries puers specifically.

If you do come up north, The Phoenix Collection/Tea Museum is SO cool. Lots of puers there. It’s only open on Saturdays from 10-2. The elderly owner David Hoffman has been traveling and collecting teas for decades. He is a really amazing guy, super humble and does free tea tastings on Saturdays.
You can read more about him here:

SteveS1979 said

awesome! I’ve sort have been thinking sf or Portland (or both) Although Seattle is tempting as well…

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I do know the Hidden Peak tea shop in Santa Cruz is a non-cyber-zone gong-fu style tea shop that offers pu-erh among other types of tea. When I visit my friend who lives in the Bay Area, I love going there. I’d say it’s a great spot to hit up for teaple visiting the Bay Area.

SteveS1979 said

great. Thank you!

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SteveS1979 said

Ok… I finally found a break in work that will allow me to escape! I am going to hit the hidden Peak tea shop mentioned above (thanks for the recommendation Mastress)on tuesday the 25th the to SF for a day or so then up to Seattle for the NW tea fest! so excited… so, after the tea festival, I still have a week of vacation left. Where should I go from there???

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