Bahaha, I can totally understand that. I know I do, too!
I will periodically exclaim ALL THE THINGS!!!! when even vaguely relevant and it’s just exciting when others get the reference. :D
I was testing to see if the spammers were attacking the most recently updated thread, and hoping it would funnel into here if it was automated. But I think it might be an actual person that’s targeting specific threads with a bot…
One spam user just posted in the “Need a Tea Mentor” thread
(edit: or maybe not.. it just seems a little out of place haha)
There’s a spammer on the last page of the suggestions thread though. I think it’s a caveman. Their post involves a lot of ‘ugga ugga’…
Intellogix Gaming Network
It’s very hard to catch this ones.
To avoid threads like that you need moderation around the clock.
The User called- Activation Life- may be a spammer, posting discussions that are advertisments for some sonic stuff that has nothing to do with tea.
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