Jason select said

Steepster Select #007 Discussion (SPOILERS)

For those who participated in the Steepster Select #007, post pictures and discuss away! If you missed out on this month you can sign up for the next one here => http://steepster.com/select


Snow Buds from Radiance Tea house: http://steepster.com/teas/radiance-tea/1997-snow-buds

Cream Earl Gray from Special Teas Etc: http://steepster.com/teas/special-teas-etc/25486-cream-earl-gray

Coconut Pouchong from Golden Moon Tea: http://steepster.com/teas/golden-moon-tea/3285-coconut-pouchong

6 Replies
Javan said

I just made a small pot of the cream Earl Gray and it was excellent. I have tended to shy away from Earl Gray because there are quite a few that I have found heavy handed with the bergamot, but this tea was flavorful, a touch creamy, well balanced and subtle. My 93 year old mom and I both enjoyed it together.

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Very Very happy with this months box! I was just about to make coconut milk pancakes, when I remembered that my box should be here. I open it and find the Coconut Pouchong. I have been wanting to try this tea for awhile now, it was on my shopping list. It will be my first Pouchong.
I also just ran out of Cream Earl Grey from another company a month ago. Have been meaning to get some more, and here it is! :)

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I’m so excited about this box! Everything looks and smells so good. I have a cream earl gray that I love and consistently need to refill so I’m looking forward to tasting Special Teas etc against it. I immediately tried the coconut pouchong and was not the slightest bit disappointed. I can say that the snow bud looks to be of good quality and all the pouches were very full! Also, I love the pairing idea for each tea. Nice work

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I received my package on Saturday and was very happy with it. I haven’t yet tried them, as I usually wait until the month of the package to start trying and reviewing them, but I definitely look forward to trying them.

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Anisa select said

The “pairings” theme is a very fun idea! We’ve been trying the pairings over here at casa anisa.

The snow buds with drunken noodle was excellent. It helps that our favorite Thai place makes an exceptional drunken noodle. But we tried the snow buds both with and without the drunken noodle, and it was definitely better with. I felt like the tea brought out flavors in the drunken noodle that we usually tend to overlook.

We also made some of the cream earl grey gin. I haven’t had the cocktail, just sipped some of the earl grey gin, but it’s very interesting. There are a ton of flavors going on in a tiny sip: juniper, cream, alcohol, anise, bergamot,… I’m not sure if there are too many flavors, but it’s definitely intriguing.

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Javan said

I had two steepings of the coconut pouchong tonight with a friend and we both quite enjoyed the tea. It had a very smooth toasted coconut and green tea taste going on and the flavors complimented each other well. Anyone remember the old Good Humor ice cream trucks that had a toasted coconut bar? Well this tea reminded me of that very positive flavor experience. Quite nice.

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