Monday Morning...
Happy Monday! I’m sitting here sipping on my Earl Grey Creme (Teavana mixed with Lupicia Vanilla and Adagio Cream) and was just wondering what’s YOUR favorite Monday Morning feel-good-pick-me-up-if-it’s-gonna-be-Monday-at-least-I-am-sipping-on-__________________ tea? :)
The Chai/Chai blend from Teavana. I know, I know, it’s the evil empire, but it’s my favorite wake-up tea and the best chai I know. :)
You know I used love that Chai/Chai blend myself. I think the samurai mate makes me just as happy on it’s own. The samurai is the only reason I deal with Teavana now.
I did find that Ovation Teas has one much like the samurai. They also have the ability to blend your own tea. Score! Now if shipping was just instantaneous I could compare the two side by side already.
I don’t have a set tea to get me going on Mondays, but if I’m feeling really out of it I always reach for a good Earl Grey of some kind, either straight up or bergamot-based blend.
Well, if I really NEED to be invigorated, I generally choose a guayusa or a yerba mate blend, as I find that these are the best at getting me going.
As far as the “it’s monday and I need to be awake why am I up again?” feeling, yerba mate all the way.
If it is for the “it is monday and I want soothed” feeling, then I like reaching for an Earl Grey. My favorite currently is Numi Aged Earl Grey.
On Monday mornings you’ll find me hitting the Starbucks drive-through for a venti Awake tea latte on the way to work. On the rare Mondays I don’t go to the office, I’m at home sipping Rishi Golden Yunnan (organic, ancient tree). A strong black tea is what I need to get me going on a Monday morning.
I agree with Infusin_Susan … Rishi’s Golden Yunnan is one of my favorites to get the week off to a strong start.
First thing in the morning is Twinnings English Breakfast with milk and sweetener. I’m not a morning person all, and feel like I’m barely aware of my surroundings at that time of day. So I just drink something easy and cheap because I probably won’t really even taste that first cup. Might as well save the good stuff for later in the day.
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