Currently I have 21 teas in my steepster cupboard. I have a lot of other varieties, and am constantly buying more….so it will go up soon, especially as I browse this site and see more and more teas I want to try!
82… and a box from Harney supposed to be delivered tomorow, I’ve only checked the tracking number every day since I placed the order…. and another on the way from Davids … ! can’t wait, can’t wait….. better than christmas
I don’t quite keep track of my cupboard accurately on here, sadly. It says 11, but I’m sure it’s closer to 50. I’m just afraid to find out the truth.
We need your help! There are only 8 in the cupboard, and we need a Steepster gift basket to help us get more acquainted with the world of tea.
My Steepster cupboard has 137 which is way off from what I have in my real-life cupboard. My actual tea cupboard has at least 300 different teas in it, and that is a conservative estimate. It’s probably closer to 500. So many teas!
75 teas! I know I have more than that, especially with all the samples I have and the new teas that I’ve purchased.
Oh no! “There aren’t any teas in Bryan’s Cupboard yet.” I could really use that Steepster Select tea!
I do not have that many in my physical cupboard. These are just the teas that I’ve once had in my cupboard — even if they’re already gone!
wow! 106 teas in my steepster cupboard! but i know there are some more packets sneaking in the depths in my actual tea cupboard, probably in the 110-115 range!
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