Understanding Tea

I really do not know much about tea just the basics and I want to learn more. All the teas that I own are from teavana. Can anyone recommend any websites, blogs, or books that will teach me more about tea.

4 Replies
AJ said

Well, it does depend a bit on what areas you want to know more about (history, processing, chemistry, culture/ceremony). For blogs, you can check this link for a list of some of the more popular blogs:
This link is very out of date, but it’s a collection of people linking their own blogs (for more recent, still-updating ones I’d suggest going to the last page):

For learning basics, here’s some of the ones I’d suggest: (under ‘Explore’ are two tags I’d check; linked below is Learn About Tea, also try Tea Tips)
http://teaintheancientworld.blogspot.ca posts a bit about science, which I enjoy

Others that post a lot about tea news, and information on teas/processing, etc:

I also keep a blog but it’s mostly about tea books and tea history, so I won’t link it.

For books, I’m gonna assume you’ll be interested more in over-arcing guides, so I’d say:
Tea: A User’s Guide (Gebley)
The Tea Enthusiast’s Handbook (Heiss)
Tea: History, Terroirs, Varieties (Gascoyne)

But if you want a more exhaustive and organized list of books, I keep a list here:

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Wow this is great thank you very much.

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So nice being mentioned, thanks :) I wrote a beginner’s guide post once that includes a section on tea references:


Related to Mei Leaf (that post mentions their Youtube videos), I’m disgusted with that vendor related to them constantly spamming here and using obvious lies as marketing content (and that Native American cartoon image fiasco wasn’t positive). I’d recommend taking what they say with a grain of salt.

It’s possible for tea content to get the basics right and still include some errors, and their content is only good for a starting point, probably actually even wrong at some point, but of course different people take that sort of thing differently. If you want to know how to hold a gaiwan accessing only the basics are fine, and if you want to learn about tea tree ages you need a completely different source.

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I’ll shamelessly recommend my blog about Japanese green tea: www.myjapanesegreentea.com

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