How do you stop the compulsion to buy buy BUY more tea?!
I think stress makes people buy more products be it tea or other things. I tend to make lists of what I want and wait and then wait some more before buying. Then I have for myself the rule of 3. How many new teas would I be able to enjoy in a same time span there again 3.
I count tea as a food, so I bought a lot this year. Now I have less money. So I can’t really buy anymore. But I still find ones that sound good.
When I find “deals” and “coupons” I am always tempted to buy tea! I always think back to the last time I bought something that I didn’t need. If it was recent (within the past week), then no tea buying. Right now I keep thinking that Christmas is coming up and there will certainly be tea gifts, so I am just holding out. I have a feeling that after the new year, I will go on a tea buying frenzy.
I have a lot of tea… my husband knows I have a lot of tea. But we both realize this is a better addiction then cigs, or drugs or plenty of other things. Plus now that I know of steepster I can trad a lot with people!
Some of these older posts have helped me tame my wild impulse to buy again lately. I’ve wanted to do another Tealux order, a Mandala one & after trying that Bi Lo Chun from Teavivre I’m very tempted to buy there. At the same time, my tea cupboard is loaded. Tealux is at the top of my list because I am very close to having to get some of my old favs but I think I will wait and do up my lists. I had a big purchase in May with my yixing teapot plus samples, Ebay tea order, & Mandala. Also got in two new teas with my monthly subscription to TeaCupany. I’ll try to be good for June and maybe order in July.
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