I used to order tea from SpecialTeas because it was good quality for an excellent price. Then the place was swallowed by Teavana. I was never able to find another retailer that had variety and price that matched SpecialTeas. Now I order from everywhere that sounds good.
I purchase tea mainly from the grocery store and it is usually their brand of tea since pricing is an issue for me. As well as purchasing tea from Etsy’s Teaman; his pricing is very affordable.
I have also purchased teas from high end stores and health markets/grocers.
I am trying to say, I am not particular to any one place. If I am some where and I find a tea shop and have money I will most likely submit to purchasing one of the teas available. And I have become semi-proprietary to the Teaman.
And not an obsession either. I liked tea prior to birth even…must have been a fish. Not a squid either. My mind is losing it. Sorry, I ventured there on my own with these thoughts.
Love your thoughts. Thanks for sharing!
Definitely Adagio! I love trying out other’s custom blends…and I enjoy my own blends there as well. But I also enjoy Harney & Sons, Teavana (for the chai blend), 52Teas, and Tea District. I’m not too picky, although I do order Teavana online so I don’t have to bother with the pushy people in the store near me.
I also like Bigelow and Constant Comment – especially on the go. I load up my Travel Tea Carrier with bagged teas and off I go! :)
Harney & Sons is probably my my most-bought brand so far. Recently I’ve been branching out to try a lot of new places, and of them I can say that Verdant Tea and Naivetea will be up there in the top of the list in the coming year. Dammann Freres would probably be in my most bought if not for the whole shipping from France thing.
I used to order from Lupicia almost exclusively till I discovered this site. Now I want to try some of everything!!! So, I’m actually making an effort not to buy from the same company two or three times without trying a few new ones too. There’s just too much tea out there to stick with what I know! Give me adventure and new discoveries!
Definitely David’s Tea… I’m trying to branch out though!
DavidsTea, due to the fact that I got hooked on them first and they offer free shipping/free samples/many locations near me.
I missed this thread the first time around, but I’m just going to chime in with DavidsTea as well. I work around the corner from them and genuinely love them. Their blends are amazing and I’ve gotten many a person hooked on looseleaf with their teas. (See De, my wife, dlonie, my brother, and just about everyone at work stops in there now). They’re just amazing. I love the blend of old and new. It seems like they’re constantly coming out with new teas, but they also have a very good selection of steady favorites. And I have never had a tea from there that I could not stomach, though Splash came close XD.
That being said, I’m also heavily in love with Verdant Teas, both the teas and the company. They’re just…amazing beyond belief! Teavivre is running a pretty successful courtship as well!
Since starting this discussion, I have tried California Tea House, which I now love! And I’m getting into The Republic of Tea thanks to their Red Velvet flavor. And now that I’m swapping with people, I expect more choices to become favorites of mine.
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