ZeroZen said

Aged steaming Pu-erh! Deep breath - Have you noticed it?

Because of my tea tasting work and my huge love for Pu-erh I noticed something funny and I was wondering if I am the only one who experienced it like I did.

If a Pu is aged from 10+ years and after you filled your cup with its amber liquor and you open the lid of your teapot and take deep breaths from the steaming inside of it – What is the echo you get?

I am not talking about the active bouquet and its diversity you get through filtering out each and every nuance – I mean the moment when you close the lid again and then breath in – is it only me or do most of aged and Shou Pu leaves an echo for around 10-20 seconds or so like if you had taken a fresh shit xD?! I always get a certain poo scent within my nose for a short moment and then it vanishes again.

I am wondering what might cause this certain short scenting experience. My guess is that it might be those fungus and microorganism vaporizing with the steam producing this kind of chemical reaction.

6 Replies
AllanK said

Can’t say I have noticed this effect.

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TeaLife.HK said

We’re talking about poo air tea, right?

I have also never detected the smell of a fresh bowel movement when drinking aged tea, so I have no idea what’s going on there! Lol

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Gitana said

I can’t speculate about your tea but fecal notes are used in the perfume industry. I speculate that the same aromatics would be in tea.

TeaLife.HK said

I have seen plant matter (not tea) decay to the point where it smelled like fecal matter. IMO it is some kind of compound that is vaporizing which smells like feces. One of the byproducts of bacterial fermentation

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Extra points for novelty of subject theme and openness to range of tea experience interpretation. As I try more older sheng I’ll keep an eye out for this fresh poop echo.

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onjinone said

This is entirely possible

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