I’d probably rate myself a 7. I am way more knowledgeable and appreciative of tea than the average person, but not so obsessed that I can’t live without it. I do think about it a lot, but I think about food also since I’m kind of really into food and cooking. I also become less interested in tea once the weather warms up. So yeah, 7. :)
Mmm, food! I agree with everything you’ve said here. :)
Probably a 7 or an 8. When it’s hot out, not quite as much…although I do love me some iced tea. Like Mercuryhime, I’m really into food and cooking (and sustainable agriculture!), so tea is a natural extension of that fascination for me. I love learning about tea growing, intricacies of farming techniques, tea ritual and culture, and pretty much anything having to do with the origins and consumption of the most popular beverage in the world. So yeah…better make that an 8.
I fall around an 8 or 9, although my husband would claim that I am most certainly beyond a 10 in regards to my tea obsession.
I think most people would think I’m a 10 as well, but I’d rate myself at 7. I love it, but it’s not the end all to be all. Now books and movies on the other hand. I cannot live without books and movies!!!
Although many in my family and friends circle will disagree, I’d rate myself at an 8 or 9. I enjoy tea, yes, and I have an insane stash, but, and here’s where I justify not being a 10, I can do without it. Yes, I enjoy tea, and yes, if it is available, it is what I choose. But if it’s not, I don’t curse the tea gods. I also don’t refuse to use teabags and throw a fit when looseleaf isn’t offered. I don’t feel the need to go after the rarest, most amazing teas. If a tea is $5 for 100g and it tastes good, I appreciate it just as much as the teas that are $100 for 100g.
I share my tea love with just about everyone I meet, and I’m always willing to share a pot with a friend, but if they prefer Red Rose, so be it, I have some of that in stock too.
So I would say I’m obsessed, but it isn’t my life. Just a big part of it.
Ditto. These are pretty much my exact feelings!
I’m starting to think we’re twins, Dinosara ;).
Tea twins, definitely! :D
25, at least. ;)
I love tea…except red rooibos for the whole headache/migraine issue. But any other tea, I’m happy as a clam. ;)
Headache/migraine issue? I get migraines sometimes so if there’s a link it makes me curious.
Probably a 7 or so. It’s my go-to beverage, and often, the only thing I drink during the day (I’m not a huge beverage consumer). I prefer it to water because it has more flavor and can be nearly calorie free (I pretty much always sweeten my tea). I miss it when I don’t have access to it and generally take some with me when traveling so I don’t have to rely on Starbucks or the like.
I’d rate myself a 9. I can’t live without my tea, but I still have a lot to learn. :)
Wow so many responses!! I’ll have a good read through them this weekend.
I’ve had hardly any tea opps since the xmas crazies started!! :P
(and yes I can live with that but it puts me in a much better mood when I have my caffeine!)
Contrary to popular opinion I’d say a 4 or five, I love tea I really do, learned a lot, spent a lot and drank a lot. And while it has taken up great quantities of my time, I’ve spent more time on other hobbies and (forgive me for I’m about to sin) in the great scheme of things tea isn’t all that important and I could live without it if I had to.
Fortunately I don’t so I’m not going to. I’ll continue to drink, explore and learn, but try to keep things in perspective at the same time.
I think my answer would depend on how that scale was weighted. If 1= zero interest and 10 = obsession, I’d probably be about a 6.5. Maybe a 7. I’m certainly more interested than the average person on the street or the typically ignorant (and I don’t mean that in a negative way) consumer who never ventures beyond bagged Lipton or Celestial Seasonings, but I don’t spend immense amount of time or energy thinking about tea or engaging in tea-related activities (buying tea, going to tea tastings, maintaining a tea blog, reviewing teas or posting on this board, etc.).
I would like to go to China or Japan sometime and see a tea garden, and in the past week I’ve been thinking about how much I’d like to make tea-flavored cookies, so maybe I’m more “into” it than I’m willing to admit!
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