Liquid Proust Teas 2018 Master Thread

52 Replies

Small little update here:
1) First black tea in the shop with thanks to Crimson Lotus Tea, being the Kunlu Golden Buds:
2) Started talking to DaYou in HongKong and they are letting me sample off their cakes so I started with a ripe vertical set:
3) I have the 2004 Jinhao Chawang being sampled out from YQH which I find to be quite contrasting with their other cakes:

and as always, I’m still looking for feedback or suggestions as to what I’m providing and what I could be providing that others want.

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1) Free domestic shipping on vertical sets until July 4th. Details
2) I added a Liu An, 70s oolong, and 80s oolong from YQH; also should mention a 2001 ripe puerh stored by Yang.
3) Questions about the Sheng Olympiad keep coming up, don’t worry!!! You will all know when it’s open. This year I was able to add Hojo in and I am excited about the offering of what I got from him.

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Error said

I didn’t know that anybody in 2000y actually made village selected pu-erh. Thought that only big factories produced teas which was from all over the mountain , blended, mixed. That time nobody selected out arbors or gu shu. All went in one basket. Nobody “new” about some Laoman E.
I don’t want to be your “hater” ( as u mentioned certain group ), but
tea from 70’s …sorry , and I mean it, really sorry:-(
More in Smart Tea Buyer.
Regards from Yunnan

Trying to figure out exactly what you mean, but if you’re talking 2000 to 2010 there are certainly places to go to that had specific areas being pressed just from that area; Yang Qing Hao, Chen Yuan Hao, Xi Zi Hao, and then you have places like Wistaria.
Just curious as to what you’re referring to.
As for tea in the 70s… there’s been plenty of access to oolong or luian from this time period. I’m completely open to discussing these things as what I do is for people and not myself. There’s a reason why I haven’t had 70s raw puerh in the shop and that’s because real stuff is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ but I’d like to know what you are sorry about though.

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Error said

yes, area, u said that correctly.( Banna, Yiwu, Lincang , or mountains like Bulang etc , but haven’t heard or particular and such no name small village like LME or LBZ …that time no name I mean) . I mean,Im not pro laocha drinker but I live in KM and do tea biz here ,have Tshop. If I had what u have there and it’s genuine , I could sell to CN tea drinker fo triple of your price , so can’t get around the thought that u bought it even cheaper than u sell it.
Speak of oolong, I admit Im not spec on this type of tea but just thinking if I bought some tea /wine 50y ago and store it up till now without selling it all this now , how much I would value it if I was even willing to sell it ( despite how much was available that time ) . I don’t believe on wrappers/boxes/labels..etc. Ive seen how stuff can be made. Places like GZ, TW or Malaysia are humid so I wouldn’t even dare to judge the age by tasting . Tea is maturing / changing much faster and since I dont have anything to compare with ( purchased 50y ago my self and store it in same country / conditions ). I have few dry stored aged pu-erhs from my father in law ( my wife is KM ) so I learned on this by comparing. I dont have any very old and any legit ( from close family or purchased my self in time of the production )from GZ or Malaysia. Im European my self but life in CN thought me to use more common sense rather than eyes and years . In matter of the tea also my tongue :-)
If you want to do the laocha I would highly recommend to visit China for few months ( GZ and KM ) so u can actually compare, learn the reality here and get valuable contacts for your future biz. There is also “smart” book with pictures and descriptions, but we have one only in Chinese ( not sure if anybody has translated it yet ) . I can send u one if interested, but they are expensive and heavy ( so the shipping fee could be high if your country doesn’t have EMS small pack ) . Anyway, my humble opinion about all above, please do not take it as some haters attack. Im not one of those :-)
We can do also sample exchange in future.

Information gets rather complex when looking at all this, but XiZiHao and even Chen Sheng Hao have documentation as well as Chen Yuan Hao for these areas during that time period. As for the pricing, I operate off a 10 percent margin so I’m not trying to make much money off of this. It’s a community focused business of mine. I would agree that something like the 2006 Laoman E from XiZiHao is worth more, but if I got a deal I’ll be passing that deal on.

I’m not trying to argue, but when it comes to verifying material in something like Yang Qing Hao, Chen Yuan Hao, or Xi Zi Hao productions just like Dayi or Chen Sheng Hao or Xiaguan, theres further documentation on it that’s out there and doesnt need the text that the 50s and 60s… ect needs because the internet has given a great tool to put the information out there.

I have a few text that also includes CYHs story that includes some of their sourcing process going back to if i recall correctly 2003.

I’m not taking anything you say as an attack, I’m sure you’re wanting me to be as careful as I have been. Yes there is truth that when things sound too good to be true they probably are not true, but I’ve put a lot of time and resources into providing what I do now. Some of what I acquire is through special deals because of how I do things; for example, spreading a rare cake around via samples at a price close to what I pay with that deal. I’ll continue doing so as well and sometimes itll shock people like the 2003 red dayi 7542 I sold off at a low cost.

We’ve never talked before, but maybe sometime we will and I’ll explain what I’m doing and my goals!

mrmopar said

You both should talk. You both have excellent points to offer each other.
LP has brought us lots of stuff we may have never seen on this side of the world.
Error, you knowledge and hand on the pulse of the industry is excellent. Knowledge is something we all want to learn. Also if you have a shop do you ship to the US? If so link please! I am always looking about for some good stuff.
Looking forward to what you two can put your heads together about. Bet it will be interesting to all us pu drinkers.

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Error said

hi, sorry for late respond guys, I was away in X-Banna. If you use a WeChat ( send me in PM then please ) , it would be handier to send pictures and description of tea I dig out on tea market or receive pics of teas u r looking for.As I believe you both like older puerh. We don’t have anything too old in our shop due to the many fakes around and high prices of the real stuff. Even good / real old teas are “shelf sitters” , not money spinning stuff.

My wechat is liquidproust
Cannot PM unless you follow me be. But I’m always open to talk!

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2018 Annual Sale (always near my birthday!)

Still needing more info, but it’s like 11:47 and I’m tired. Will post more later on

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Two LPT productions :)
1) 2018 Almost… dedicated to my best friend who passed away. Those who post their stories on IG receive 50% off ( )

2) 2018 Exquisite Poetry. My first sheng cake! Those who write poetically, , receive $5 off

Just me trying to help people connect with themselves and others while enjoying great tea at a nice price point.

tperez said

Congrats on pressing those cakes LP!

What’s Exquisite Poetry like? Strong, mild?

Thanks :)
I know this sounds odd in a way, but I am not saying much for now. I want others to have no thoughts before going into it other than I came up with the ratio blend ect…
It won’t be but a week before I say a little on it and then another week to say a little more while adding what others have thought. It’s rather hard to be objective about things such as this and while I’ve had months to toy around with it… kind of letting it take its course on this one. If it goes well and I do a second cake I can assure you/everyone I’ll have plenty of info because the next (if I do one) will be a single area and I’ll have plenty to talk about.
add on as far as mild to strong, I’m not so sure I can answer that directly without knowing what attribute you are talking about. As far as taste, I would say in the middle but if you brew it hard you’ll get something different as would any young sheng. You’ll understand a bit more once I explain what is in this cake that others typically do not have.

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