Gitana said

Harney and Sons reccomendations

I am living in Mexico with no local tea options so I need to mail order and have decided to go with Harney and Sons as they seem to offer 1 stop shopping and I prefer that.
Anyway, I am giving up a serious coffee habit (10 strong cups per day) to help me quit smoking. As you can imagine, I now have a serious tea habit instead!
I have been drinking the teas I brought with me and have been mostly happy with what I have. I simply want to replace my stash but not replicate it.
Would someone please give me their opinions on these teas below? I need to buy at least 3 months worth of tea at a time and sampling isn’t practical.
The teas I have been drinking are:
Taylor and Harrogate Earl Grey (tasty)
The Tea Spot Bolder Breakfast (I love that one)
Tao of Tea Gunpowder Green (love the first cup…meh on more steeps)
A white needle I bought from Yunnan Sourcing (Sometimes love it, sometimes not)
New Mexico Tea Co. Wuyi Rock Oolong (Don’t love it).
(All loose leaf)
Hopefully that gives you an idea of what I like! I prefer a forgiving tea. Basically I want good solid, daily drinkers that I won’t tire of too quickly but still have flavor. I am keeping the selection to just 3-5 teas as a practical matter.

What are your thoughts on:
Tower of London
Earl Grey Supreme

I also might like a spicy / fruity herbal. Suggestions?

Thank you for your comments!

16 Replies
Ken said

Harney and Sons Ceylon teas are FANTASTIC! Especially the lover’s leap, and Amba estate. Tonganagoan full leaf is quite good as well but a teeny bit high on tannins.

Based on your tastes, Id also recomend Vadham tea, and Yunnan sourcing’s yunnan black tea’s.

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Earl Grey Supreme is excellent. I’ve not tried the others. If you want a spicy tea try their Hot Cinnamon Spice. It’s not an herbal, but it is good!

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teepland said

I second the Earl Grey Supreme comment from Blodeuyn! I haven’t had it in awhile, but I remember loving it. I also agree with Ken about their Ceylon teas. I’ve found Uva Highlands to be one of their most flavorful Ceylon teas with a unique spicy flavor — not overpowering but a welcome change to what I was expecting. Good luck!

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Agree about the Harney Earl Grey Supreme. I have tasted a lot of Harney teas and written notes about them. I believe you can sort by company in my tea ratings if you’re interested to see those opinions.

For the herbal, I believe they have an herbal hot cinnamon spice that I have not yet tried. But if it is anything like their black hot cinnamon spice it’s likely to be nice and spicy.

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Tamarindel said

I’ve tried all of these :) Paris is excellent. Tower of London struck me as a weak version of Paris (even though their descriptions are totally different). Bangkok used to be one of my favorites, but they changed the recipe and now it’s weird! Soho is nice, the coconut has a kind of buttery toasted flavor, like macaroons. Earl Grey Supreme is great, I’ve made it the earl grey I always keep on hand.

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AllanK said

I have been cold brewing the Black Currant from Harney and Sons as an iced tea and it is good. It is great hot too.

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Dr Jim said

I’ve enjoyed the Bangkok and Paris (decaf-my second favorite decaf). I’ve pretty much liked every harney tea that I’ve purchase, and think they have excellent value for the dollar. I’m not usually a big Earl Grey fan but the Paris just has a little extra than makes it fun.

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Gitana said

Thank you everyone! Morgana your H&S reviews were helpful. It sounds like I will have some solid drinkers. I will check into that Black currant too. Based on what is written here, and other reviews, H&S is a decent choice for my needs.
I am trying to avoid getting back into tea as a hobby. I moved onto a sailboat last year and I don’t have room for wares and a tea cabinet and I sold everything I had a year ago. These days I just want to have something tasty and not too expensive to drink!

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I’ve spoken with a few tea contacts in Mexico; I could ask around about physical shop options or online vending based out of there if you like. Or not, if these other recommendations are already covering it.

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Gitana said

Thanks for that generous offer! There are a few tea shops in Mexico but they are several hundred miles from me. Hopefully I will see them one day. There is also at least one online vendor.The online vendor is
They seem to have a good selection and good prices but as we do not have a physical address here I didn’t want the hassle of figuring shipping out.

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