Marvs said


Hi I have lots of ikaati tea at hand from hotels. I dont know the expiration date. Is there an expiration for teabags?

5 Replies
Leafhopper said

To my knowledge, unflavoured tea doesn’t expire; it just gradually loses flavour. I don’t think there’s any health risk in drinking old tea, whether bagged or loose leaf, though you might decide it no longer tastes good.

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Ken said

Tea bags mostly just get old and stale, they loose flavor and just get unappealing not really dangerous or anything.

Good loose leaf ages, though some types age better than others.. hmmm aged oolongs… yum!

mrmopar said

Aged puerh….

Ken said

Aged white!

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AllanK said

For anyone who still gets their tea from any sort of supermarket an expiration date is a good thing because things like tea tend to just stay on the shelves indefinitely. This forces the supermarket to take their old tea off the shelf. Having worked in a supermarket I know that tea is considered dry goods/non perishable and if it doesn’t have a date will stay on the shelf until someone buys it even if that is years later.

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