Our new Tea of the Week! 03.05.12 Buttered Cranberry Orange Scone Honeybush
still waiting on this promised peanut butter blend… Frank. My wallet needs to rest for a week… or even a month. Please. Stop. Making. Teas. I. Can’t. Resist! (at least for a little while, let my wallet hibernate for a little while)
Sorry. Waiting on supplies for the peanut butter tea. Might be a few weeks, but I DID order what I needed. (and then some—sheesh!)
Did you read my previous post? The one about making something I won’t want? Do you even LISTEN to me when I type to you?
Sorry. I can’t think of any yucky sounding teas. It’s just against my nature.
well, then, are you at least working on my tomato, basil and black pepper green tea?
I’m thinking the SAME thing LiberTEAS. Love to see a watermelon green apple blend sometime.
I placed my first order. YESTERDAY. God. Trying to justify another order just for the watermelon tea, the beau is not on board. Yet. (Probably because I ordered the teas HE wants yesterday!)
I have given in. Green and Watermelon? I must be kidding myself if I thought I could stop myself from getting that. Just come to peace with the fact that Frank is our “Candy Man” we are addicted and we can’t break free. When you let go it’s just easier.
Just caved on the guayusa Rainforest Chai. I like the idea of a smooth herbal chai and have wanted to try guayusa. Was eying a couple other blends but then saw the Mercy Corps badge and was reminded that Frank’s drive ends 31 January, so I decided to put the $$ (plus some) towards that instead. I don’t need more tea, and I’ll feel better supporting their good cause than my tea habit!! Thanks Frank :-)
Thanks for your business, your contribution, and the reminder about the end of our drive. I was going to post a reminder with this week’s Tea of the Week, but I thought I would wait until next week.
Happy Dancing! Happy Dancing!
Life is cruel. I desperately want a cheesecake tea and one is made. This seems good. Except, oh wait, it’s entirely coconut? What is that? Coconut seems to be in everything lately, and I still hate it.
Alright, that’s enough pouting. It’s best for my bank account if I think blargh instead of MMmmmm.
Of course I bought it…that’s it I am not buying anymore tea now.
I’ve got the next three weeks worth of teas lined up and ready to go. You guys are not going to want to miss any of these.
Any hints on what they are? And I’m crossing my fingers that we do get some peanut butter tea love in at least one of these blends. . . .
No peanut butter blends this go round. I know Cofftea and I have discussed at least one of them on Facebook.
Which means I’m going to be making a purchase… ack! :) for my stomach :( for my wallet.
Any thoughts on reblending some chocolate peanut butter cup in the near future? Just curious!
I guess anything is possible, if we have enough interest in it. If you REALLY want it, I can make a batch just for you. I can’t really blend less than one pound, but I can get you a full pound for $49.99 including shipping.
Ok if no one else is interested I would like a pound of it! I would be willing to pay the $49.99! Please let me know how I should pay for this is there an email or someway to get my credit card # to you and address? If you wish to email me privately my email is: [email protected]
Kristen, just go ahead and order a Six Week Subscription on our subscription page: http://www.52teas.com/tag/Plans/
On the last page of the checkout process, in the special instructions box, indicate that you would like a pound of chocolate peanut butter cup in lieu of the subscription. I’ll take care of it from there.
[Incidentally, to anyone who comes along and reads this later, please make sure it is a blend I can recreate before you order like this. Just send me a message. I’ll be happy to look into it for you. Most of our blends I can recreate, but I want to make sure I’ve got everything I need before you place your order.]
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