Teasenz said

Longspout Teapot Documentary

Found this cool video about a tea master who makes tea with a super longspout teapot.

Anyone tried this or was served tea in this way before?

4 Replies
Philip Lee said

My wife and I went to a place in Hangzhou that added hot water in this ‘kung fu’ style to your grandfather-style lidded-cup. We ordered Longjing and the spectacle was definitely more impressive than the cup. :)

Teasenz said

It’s said that the water will cool down, since it travels a long distance from the pot into the cup. Sounds perfect for longjing, too bad the tea wasn’t good. Well, you enjoyed a good show anyways :)

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Between minute 7 and 8 in a short documentary called Hangzhou Xihu Longjing Tea, there is a segment with a waiter doing this. The video is on Amazon – free for Prime members.

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