How quickly does young sheng change?
I bought a Spring 2017 sheng in August of this year. After a couple months I noticed the flavor profile had changed a lot. It’s not unusual for me to experience an ebb and flow in taste for a particular cake but this seems to be a sustained change.
The tea is still enjoyable but it’s lost some of it’s original spark. The high notes have rounded and some of the complexity is gone.
This is the first time I’ve purchased a new tea that early. Is this something I should normally expect when purchasing very young sheng? My plan at this point is to put the half cake away for a year and try it again… — Thanks
whats your storage like? I had this happen during a year, but we had hot dry heating turned up. I am hoping my pumidor is going to stop this from happening
Initially the cake was stored in an air conditioned environment. Around 75F (most of the day) to 85F degrees (8 hours while at work) and humidity around 50%. The cake was then moved to a crock with 65 to 70% humidity at the same temperature range.
Now that you mention it I did pull the cake out of the crock, thinking the extra humidity could be what affected the taste. I’d say the cake has been out about 3 weeks but it hasn’t returned to it’s original taste profile.
Winter is almost here, and humidity is around 35% inside and will stay that way until Spring. I’ll try the tea again in a month and see where it’s at. If it’s the same I’ll put it back in the crock.
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