Tea timers?
Teavana’s tea timer has 4 buttons with present times for white, green, black/oolong, and herbal, and of course you can set your own times too.
Its available online at teavana.com. I think they also have one with a build in thermometer, but it doesnt have the preset times.
DavidsTea’s timer is kinda cute, but not as convenient.
A Perfect Cup of Tea app is very good, too. It comes with a lot of the common teas and suggested brew times and you can change those and add to the list. You can also make temporary changes to the saved times, say for when you wish to reuse the same leaves for a second pot, that then revert back to the saved setting next time you use it. I’ve been using it for not quite a year and find it works very well. And it’s free.
Good luck in your search.
I use the Teavana iphone app also. It has multiple settings and you can watch the “tea” settle to the bottom and the water get darker. Also the tea level moves a little if you tilt it. It lets you choose from eight tea types and you can change up the times quickly. Cute little tunes play when you are finished steeping.
Teavana has a decent app, although it’s built around their products. I use one on my iPad called Timer, or Minimalist Timer or something of the like. Steep.it is my favorite though (it’s a website). And Teavana offers one around $10 that I’ve never used but seems good enough.
“(it’s a website)”
BTW, with CloudBrowse you could also try the Online-Tea-Timer at your iPxxx. And you can use it at your Mac, your PC, your Palm, with Linux/Unix…
Additionally you could easily add the online tea timer to your own web site!
Just have a look at:
Or get the latest release from:
Enjoy :o)
I have one on my android called ‘Tea Tips’ that lets you customize widgets for different tea types. So, you can have a four minute widget named black, a 45 second widget named green, a three minute fourteen second widget named pi, the sky is the limit. It’s pretty nice.
This timer uses three different hour glasses and it’s cute>
I have seen other timers similar to this with the hour glasses on each side of a wooden block. those can probably be located fairly easily with a google search.
I made a flexible timer that stays true to each individual tea rather than using ‘generic’ time ranges.
Working on a mobile app, but I’d love to get your guys’ feedback. Do you like it? Does it suck?
Nice idea but limited, since it’s only practical for your teas. There are lots of apps already out there; I have a free app for my Android that has not only generic times, but you can also add other teas and the specific brew times you’ve set for them.
I usually end up using this one:
It’s not pretty, but I’m not always on a device that supports Flash (needed for steep.it), but I’m almost guaranteed to be on something that supports javascript by necessity.
It looks like an interesting timer.
Teaity uses javascript for the timers and the site are mobile responsive (phones & tablets) and accessible from anywhere.
Do you have suggestions on how I can make Teaity better?
Your mobile site is very attractive, but drop downs are far more useful on mobile. Slider bars are very difficult (and annoying) to use on a touch screen.
Also having a one stop generic timer as well would be more useful, so one didn’t have to seek out the tea they wanted a timer for.
On the old version of the site we did have generic timers, but found that people weren’t gravitating toward searching for the teas they actually have and either posting reviews (we allow both public and private reviews) or to running the timer specific to their tea.
I will look into how adding a generic timer back into the site would fit best.
Also, I’ll see how my developer and I come up with options for changing the UI from a slider to something easier on mobile, like a drop down you suggested.
Some teas are down to the second in control (pu’erhs mostly) and aren’t always conducive to the kinds of “chunked” time adjustment you’d see in a drop list.
Good suggestions! Got any more up your sleeve?
I use a generic Iphone timer by App Cubby. It has 9 preset times that are single push. It also immediately starts counting after the timer rings to if you’re late, you know by how much.
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