Is anyone able to recommend good quality tea vendors who ship out in reasonable amounts of time?

44 Replies
Gary S said

I’ve been using Mark T Wendell with good results.

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Sara said

Seconding the 52Teas recommendation for US vendors! I’ve always gotten prompt shipping from August Uncommon as well, usually the same or next business day, and they are wonderful people. Kusmi generally ships fairly promptly although their customer service can be really bad otherwise. If you ever want to buy from overseas, I’ve purchased from both Mariages Freres and Dammann Freres in Paris and they usually ship same or next business day, and it arrives about three days later to me in California. (Though for 25+ Euros in shipping charges, one would certainly hope!)

I’ll be keeping an eye on this thread as I’m in the midst of receiving some truly appalling customer service from Tea Guys, who’ve in the past been really reliable – but it took 15 days for them to ship my order this time, and that only happened the day after I finally posted on their Facebook page asking what was going on. The shipment notification came with no tracking number and a weird “credit slip” indicating they’re not shipping two of my teas but they haven’t refunded me for them. I work in e-commerce customer service/fulfillment myself and can’t believe how poorly some companies treat their customers. Hoping to get some more great recs from this thread for tea companies you can rely on!

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looseTman said

Martin Connelly
Little Red Cup Tea Co.
Brunswick, Maine:
USDA Organic cost-effective Chinese Tea

On-line order Sunday night and requested Monday shipment. Mid-Atlantic delivery today (Fri).

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looseTman said

Rishi Tea
Milwaukee, WI
USDA-Organic Tea from several countries
(We haven’t ordered recently from Rishi.)

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looseTman said

Aubrey & Jeremy Lopatin
Arbor Teas
Ann Arbor, Michigan
USDA-Organic Tea from ten different countries / regions.
(We haven’t ordered recently from Arbor.)

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I just recently ordered from Beleave Teas . They are located in FL and I live in ID so that’s opposite sides of the US — the order was placed on 10/22, shipped on 10/23 (next business day), and I just received the tea today 10/25, a mere two days later. I was quite surprised the shipping was so quick!

mrmopar said


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Great suggestions! There’s a few places that I didn’t get to this time around (and will try next time) but I ordered from Mandala tea and really liked the turn around time.

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KimK said

Don’t know if you are interested in buying direct from the grower, but I have been doing business with Wuyi Origin for close to a year. They have Dan Cong and Wuyi oolongs and a really good jin ju mei as well. is the way to get in touch with them.

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YatraTeaCo said

We ( are fairly new to the tea vendor scene and we’ve been typically getting our orders out in 2 business days. Our website says 3-5 business days (to be on the safe side), but our experience since becoming operational in July has been different.

In 2018, we will challenge ourselves to turn orders around the next day. That way, even with USPS First Class mail, we can have orders delivered in 3-4 days.

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AllanK said

Davids Tea would not any longer be on a list of vendors who ship in reasonable times. I ordered on the 21st. They printed a label today. Hopefully it will ship out tomorrow. That is around a week from order to shipping. I have had international packages get to me quicker. And Davids Tea doesn’t ship to US customers from Canada but New York, somewhere upstate.

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