Tea with Cheese?
I recently saw an article about cheese teas and how it is spreading all over China and now to the US. What are your thoughts and opinions on this and has anyone tried it?
It doesn’t seem too out there, tea and dairy are delicious in combination! I haven’t heard of the trend myself though, even being in a class in university dedicated to tea and its growing culture.
no dairy for me. the way the united states runs the dairy industry (and meat industry in general) is disgusting.
Products from small family farms are widely available. One does not have to buy Kraft or hormel crap.
I didn’t know this was actually a thing! Although I guess I just eat cheese with everything…
Cheese is getting more popular, but it isn’t really the real cheese. More like processed cheese used in bread, cakes, and desserts. I’ve tested diffrent teas with danish blue cheese. A strongly roasted longjing was one of the best combinations. Here’s my post on it: https://www.teasenz.com/chinese-tea/tea-pairing-danish-blue-cheese-with-chinese-green-tea.html
I would try it once, but this sounds fairly repulsive.
To those who would object to the dairy in it, you can use vegan cheese.
I’m always willing to try something new. I think you would need to pair the tea and cheese, though. I think the post above recommending blue cheese with green tea is a good idea.
As for the tea with cheese ‘foam’, as supposedly very popular in China – I live in China and none, absolutely none of my friends that I asked have heard of or tried it. I did however find it in a local “GONG CHA” shop.
It was pretty mediocre stuff in my opinion. Let me drink my tea without that cheesy weirdness please.
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