How much is your tea?

25 Replies
Tamm said 13 years ago

I’m a pretty erratic tea buyer, but the price per ounce for me has never been more than $10 us per 2oz. I have some more expensive teas, but I have gained them through friends or trades. I most often will buy random teas that I see from random type brands. I’m going to start avoiding this because I’ve found that I don’t like most of them. The teas I’ve come to enjoy seem to be ones that I save for, like 52 teas. I also try and buy from local places because I really, really hate paying for shipping.

Daddyselephant said 13 years ago

Agreed. Paying for shipping feels like wasted money to me, especially when I live in Toronto. There’s no excuse for me to not buy local! And shipping is killer, especially from the US.

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ms.aineecbeland said 13 years ago

Tea pricing for me ranges from $3.00 for about 25 teabags of tea from Teaman Of Howell, Michigan (online through; to purchasing store brand teas like Green Tea from Demoulas Market, cost about $1.99 for 48 bags; Trader Joe’s store brand Green Tea for $1.99 or $2.99 for 100 tea bags. Gourmet teas I have purchased ranges from $5.00 – $10:00; I think I purchased Numi Pu-erh teas each for $12.99 but this was once during a visit to a Health and Wellness event at this health food store; I was most surprised to find boxed Pu-erh in teabags. I am kind of dumb like that.

In answer: least paid was $3.00 and most paid was $12:99 and everything in between.

I have yet to try purchasing in Canada or beyond. I am poor what can I say!

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Ekkuru said 13 years ago

I’m pretty erratic and buy different teas pretty randomly, like some of you said. However, I always keep Chunmee on hand, which is $1.50 an ounce loose. If I get lucky with sales and coupons and all that jazz, I walk away with six ounces for less than 6 bucks.

However, anything else I buy usually ranges from $3.50 to $13.00, the most I ever paid was $25 for a very tasty oolong.

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