I like drinking Chinese tea but I have never tasted Indian tea before. I hope I will drink some Indian tea in the coming days.
Okay, looking forward to your feedback!
Chinese tea because it has a wide variety of types. Indian tea because occasionally i need a break from chinese tea & want a darjeeling
Yes, Darjeeling is famouse.
I prefer indian tea, Masala Chai is always a winner for a breakfast pick me up!
What’s the flavor of Masala Chai?
I prefer Chinese oolong and green tea. But in terms of black tea, Indian Darjeeling and Assam are also good choices.
I also heard about some kind of tea called Dark Tea and White Tea, do you know something about them?
1) This is a false dichotomy.
2) Absurdly vague question. Both countries produce lots of excellent tea and lots of crap tea.
I’d choose a cup of EX invoice Goomtee First Flush Darjeeling over 99.99% of Chinese teas.
But I’d also take a cup of Hojo’s $3/gram Special Tribute Keemun over 99.99% of Indian teas.
Just dawned on me, since a couple of these vague ‘China v India/rest of world’ questions are popping up by users with new accounts, I wonder if China is supporting the Ghorka strike that is decimating Darjeeling tea industry? What a low blow that would be. http://www.oneindia.com/india/gorkhaland-agitation-is-china-behind-darjeeling-unrest-too-2496524.html
That question are really hard for me. I never think about it. What I do was just drink tea,
I personally love Chinese teas but cannot resist a good fruity Indian blend. Although I honestly never had Indian teas with milk and sugar before.
Hard to make the final decision.
Not really I’d take my Greens and Oolongs over Indian tea any day.
I prefer Chinese tea, but sometimes a good cup of Indian tea is a pleasure
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