Blend Green Tea
Green tea is good for people’s health, while some dislike its slight bitterness. So some will add honey or sugar into it. I will add some milk. Would you please give me some else advice?
I don’t like add anything when I have the green tea. Maybe you can add more water or soak several times. Then the bitterness will be much less.
Green tea is better with honey or sugar. I think black tea with milk will be better. Yunnan Dian Hong Golden Buds Black Tea, just try it.
Haven’t heard about that before, how about show me more information about this kind of tea?
Yunnan Dian Hong Golden Buds Black Tea considered the best type of Dian hong tea. It contains only golden tips, which are usually covered in fine hairs. A classic Chinese black tea, this is our premium grade “Golden Tip” Dian Hong from Yunnan. It has lots of orange pekoe in the dried tea, and brews into an absolutely great tasting, golden coloured tea, with very rich taste and aroma. When viewed from a distance, the dried tea appears bright orange in colour. The tea liquor is bright red in colour and exhibits a gentle aroma and a sweet taste. The leaves are reddish brown after being brewed.
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