Hoji Cha Amount
Generally I use 1 Tsp. for 6 oz. of Hoji. In haste, I grabbed the TBSP measure instead. I really enjoyed the outcome. Any other Hoji drinkers out there want to explain the amount they use?
I’ve only had Ho Ji Cha once (sadly it’s one of the 2 Japanese greens I just don’t like), but I steeped my samples, as I do all my Japanese greens, using the suggested parameters on the Den’s Tea website (http://www.denstea.com/perfect_brewing.html): 4 oz of boiling water (I actually use just below boiling- about 210 degrees), 2g of tea, steeped for 30 seconds.
I use a generous amount of Hoji Cha also. Probably about a Tbsp per cup. I do the same with Genmaicha ;)
I second the Den’s tea brewing parameters. 2 g per 4 oz for 30 seconds turns out really nicely and holds up well to an additional 15 second resteeping.
I use a lot of leaves; around two tablespoons for 2,5 dl of water, I think. Then I let it brew for 30 seconds in almost boiling water. In my experience, a good amount of leaves usually results in a good and rich brew.
Cool. Thanks for all the input y’all. It is fun playing around with brewing parameters.
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