Liquid Proust Teas and Puerh??? News You Want to Read!
For the last few years raw puerh has become something I’ve been getting to really know/understand/experience and my focus has always had the community in mind. The Sheng Olympiad was the first thing to come out of it followed by the crazy starter packs that ended up going out to over 500 people in 27 different countries. A passion became a lifestyle. Then came many other group buys but the Pubertea has been my favorite. Being able to provide samples of these middle to about mature raw puerh teas that are rather rare or extra special brought much joy.
With much more to be said, let’s just skip to it! Many of you have asked, whether it was publicly or just in your head, and now it will be happening!
Liquid Proust Teas will be breaking up one Yang Qing Hao cake a month to offer in sample portions; via Etsy. This adventure will be guided with Emmett; the one who has made YQH easily accessible to the West.
Keep an eye out around September for the first cake’s appearance to be made : )
p.s. I will also be adding other cakes that are not purchasable as well; of course this is to the best of my knowledge, but each time I list something I will have done plenty of research.
Update 2, the first set of teas have hit the site!
Emmett and I worked out a little partnership where I will be the store front for the YQH samples of what he has help make available to the west.
I am still working on more educational sets as well as I have found people asking for them : )
Already placed my order. A big thank you to both Emmett and you LP for all you’ve done for the western puerh community!
Welcome : )
I just do what I would want done for myself; or what others ask for.
I’m hoping that I can help guide people in starting local tea gatherings which can result in rather small contributions of say $5-$10 each to purchase higher end samples to try together and possible work on local group buys themselves to split cake and have storage wars with their material throughout time : )
Ultimately I want to provide great experiences, but my other goal is to grow this amazing community : )
Why doesn’t Emmett sell samples himself? Or have a better ordering system. Something my friends & I have always wondered.
While that is a question for Emmett… I can speak for myself here.
Breaking cakes and doing samples take A LOT of time. There is a good 16 hours of creating samples for the Sheng Olympiad. I actually recorded the time myself because someone asked.
My educated guess is that having children means less time to do something like create samples… this is not part of my life, but if I ever have children I can tell you that I don’t know if I’ll have the time to do this either.
Maybe he’ll see this and say something though : )
Yes, while I I love to provide the highest quality teas I can find, it takes a lot of work and time to do. I have two children, wife, and two jobs to deal with, plus martial arts take most my time. Apart from that I’m not the most computer technically proficient… Also by making a website and faster ordering /samples, it would cost more and I would have to add that cost on to you.. So I keep the pricing as low as possible (some even lower that direct purchase from yang).
The monthly /by monthly orders also keep costs down by saving shipping and bank transfer fees… If I would order a couple cakes I would pay about $100 extra just for the fees/shipping… So I try to eliminate any extra costs.
Thank you very much everyone for all the support.
I will be continuing this project at a much slower rate. I have a decent stock and listed a good portion of it. It’ll be roughly 1 new product that’ll hit per month from now.
Please continue to make request and leave me feedback.
What I have planned: 7542 raw comparisons, YQH 666 cake, YQH Teji, possibly the 2004 Manzhuan from BYH, surprise CYH, 2006 Naka (if I can revive it), ‘smoked’ n aged Banzhang, and potentially a legit 90s Dayi production.
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