What's your favourite feature on Steepster?
I’m curious to know what your favourite feature is on Steepster?
Personally, I love reading tea reviews of other people! Some tea lovers go into so much detail when describing their tasting experience, it’s almost like reading a novel!
I love it! :-)
What about you?
Tatjana x
All the lovely people who organize group buys.
It’s not really an option, per say, there are just some members that post offers in the discussion, and people can join as they like. For Example: https://steepster.com/discuss/13832-pubertea-group-buy-aged-puerh
With all the spammers and bots running rampant, the tasting notes are the only saving grace of this site.
I enjoy having a log of the teas that I’ve tried. It’s just a fun look for a tea lover.
I like how detailed I can make my tasting notes. It really helps me to record what flavor profiles I like, and try new teas that fit my tastes.
It can help new tea lover a lot, such as me. And we can discuss all kinds of subject there.
Every tea lovers share their opinions and someone very kind to answer these questions. That’s really amazing.
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