Do you think T is promoted enough???
David I respect your response to my actual question, It did help refine my thinking. I found it to be very informative and positive. I really do agree that it seems that those who claim they love “tea” have really associated a religious love for it, meaning anyone who doesn’t see eye to eye on every aspect of this culture is an outkast. I like to think of it more simple. The first time I walked by a T shop, It was oly because I hadn’t sen that store there before, and was curious. then I was approached by a very pleasent, up beat employee who invited me to try their T of he day, which also had a really cool name, nothing liek I’ve ever heard associated with T before. I tried it, I loved it, I bought. At this point no one had talked to me about : the camelia Sinensis, and the different classes of T, or various plantations etc…If they had tried, I would have probably never come back or pretend my phone was ringing and walk out. Instead the FRIENDLY people, the smell and taste of the T, and price and name, won me over for a second visit. Upon my second visit another firnedly person explained to me what I had tasted the last time, and where the T had originated from etc….. long story short. I fell in love with T, I started studying the culture, history, and industry and here we are. I basedmy business approach on appealing to that Phase one of the T experience. Sorry to take you down my little T love story, but I just love the place I was in, and how I felt during that period in time, and I would never ever want it to be any other way, because I would have missed out on such an amazing beverage. I’m hoping to make thatsamestory come true for alot of other potential T-Lovers.
I’m thinking from another post you made on the “what made you love tea” thread that David’s Tea was your first tea contact. Just curious, am I right?
I still find it incredibly offensive that you refer to other company’s tea with a short hand label. It is one thing to rename your own product, but the rest does not fly with me. It works for The /t/ Blag because their whole goal is to be irreverent. You were not the first to use it, and it just screams irrevrence to me.
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