Tea Magazines?
Anyone know of any good tea magazines (print or digital)?
Tea Time Magazine is the only one I’ve read. It skews towards the traditional and the Southern (same owners as Southern Lady and Victoria mags). They have some good recipes and photography, plus profiles of tea rooms, event listings, ads for all kinds of tea-themed gifts, etc.
What else is out there?
Tea magazines seem to come and go quickly, but “TEA a Magazine” has been one of the few to remain prosperous. Its editor and publisher Pearl Dexter is arguably one of the most knowledgeable tea experts.
Digital: The Leaf Tea Magazine & The Art of Tea Magazine.
Both very informative, tastefully layed out, and thought provoking…enjoy!
I love the Art of Tea. The translations can be a bit wonky but it is worth it just for the pictures. You can buy issues from Hou De Asian Art.
From their description:
The Tea House Times, a bi-monthly publication in print and online. Visit our Online Shop to Subscribe as you would for any magazine or access for Free if you Register to Log-in.
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