Does green tea help to clean out your system?

Any ideas about that?
How do you use green tea to cleanse?

6 Replies

There are two typical short answers to that:

1. health claims related to tea are based on unproven conventional wisdom at best, and in particular “cleansing” and “toxins” are less meaningful terms than others used.

2. based on personal experience people might believe any of the claims.

Of course related to the second position people would be believing what they want to believe as much as actually noticing benefits and causation. All that said, there is research out there that tea is healthy, that is often more specific than that, it just doesn’t help that some research is designed to demonstrate certain “truths” based on being backed by special interests.

In relation to the second specific question, I’m not “detoxing” at all myself, I just happen to drink a lot of tea. It would be nice if that’s healthy, or at least not unhealthy.

I wouldn’t have even mentioned all this except that I just ran across a higher level study designed to map out all the associated benefits cited in different references, and interesting step. It just wouldn’t address the validity of any of that input, which is a big problem, but it’s still an interesting step. And the database site portion is down now, for the past week, not an inspiring sign:

All right, there are a lot of misunderstandings in this respect , we all have a purpose to choose a kind of tea to improve our health.
I am no longer confused about that. Hope that we can change our own concept of tea health.

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Psyck said

There are various remedies for cleansing and detoxing the body prescribed by Eastern medicine. These are mostly, as John points, based on unproven conventional wisdom and not on standard allopathic treatments. As far as I know, tea is not primarily used for this purpose but would be best for you to check with a medical practitioner.

I still have some misunderstandings about tea.
You are all right.

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AllanK said

NO, it is healthy but it doesn’t clean or detox your system. Most teas sold as detox teas are not real tea, i.e. Camellia Sinensis and are just laxatives.

Hmmm, you’re right.
Tea is good for our health, but it doesn’t mean everything.

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