P.S. I’m tickled about the root beer tea. When I was growing up we used to get this root beer concentrate from Schwann’s which would taste like root beer juice (or flat soda, I guess). I LOVED it! I will be trying some of that… and Cofftea’s prickly pear, another fave flave of mine. :)YUM!
I’ve had a rootbeer black before (Tea Guys I believe if you fall in love w/ Frank’s version and mourn it when it’s gone)- SO good made into a concentrate then soda water added.
Frank’s cucumber green is amazing iced. I recommend this highly. I’m going to ration mine – no sharing ( yes, very, very greedy of me)
One last thought – have you considered finding a high quality instant black tea powder to which to add flavor? I would love to have this for when I need to do an instant tea.
Haha- I feel the same about the cucumber melon he had. As for powders- he did say he wants to eventually come out w/ his own gourmet instant chai line and he does matchas, so I could totally see him doing that. The cost/practicality may be an issue though since I know he rarely does matcha.
I prefer everything iced, though I drink 1-2 cups hot a day. If I want to expand the use of me tea, if I desire 1 quart of iced tea, I will make only 16oz worth, and rebrew it once more time to get the other 16oz worth. So I am only using 2 teaspoons, verses using 4. It only works with teas you can rebrew though.
But I buy the nice stuff for iced tea. I don’t buy pop, coffee, bottled tea, bottled water, Starbucks, and only order water at restaurants. It usually breaks down to be $0.50 to $1 per quart if the tea is around $9 for 2oz. Usually cheaper when I can rebrew. I figure with all the money I save from other ways, I can afford to splurge on nice tea for tea
True Mel, you bring up an important point- but by “more” I thin Frank meant they buy more (i.e. drink more 1st steeps). I resteep ALL my teas so a tea has got to be pretty fantastic for me to buy it if it doesn’t resteep well.
I suspect a lot of people revert to Lipton for their iced tea. Sweetened or not, it just tastes like ice tea is “supposed” to taste. Personally, I like to use up my less favorites in the oolong/green tea category or use roasted yerba mate with some fruit tisanes. I haven’t experimented with my black teas yet, but I think I will try some of the flavored ones soon.
I think any tea and even tisane can be refrigerator brewed, it is just a matter of timing. Green teas can go bitter fast, 6-8 hours is usually good. Since doing cold brew ice teas, I enjoy them so much more and I usually have it on hand.
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