Which is the best iced tea pitcher?
I have been looking around for the best iced tea pitcher for myself. The two iced tea pitchers that are on top because of their ratings are Takeya and Bormioli.
But can’t find out anything that fits in all my requirements.
Found this guide here: https://www.besticedteapitcher.com/
Anyone here who can help me with this?
I make the hot tea in a large pyrex measuring cup and pour it into a cheap glass pitcher from walmart full of ice through a steel mesh tea strainer (any fine mesh will do)
I am not a fan of my hot tea touching plastic, so I wouldn’t be interested in the baskets of the ones you listed. Some of the glass pitchers look really cool though! The glass or metal infusers could save a bit of effort. This is just the easiest/tastiest way I found personally to make iced tea.
Not necessarily! My opinion on plastic is not shared by everyone, and science says it should be alright as long as its quality BPA free high density plastic. I just like glass, but as Oolong Owl pointed out you can shatter them with temp changes or dropping, I have exploded a few pyrex dishes with temperature change, just not when making iced tea.
If I want to make large batches I use a simple steel soup pot and pour it over ice into a large glass 2 gallon beverage dispenser. I think the tools you use to make it matter less than the quality of the tea, the amount of leaf, and the time/temp you brew the tea.
I use the Takeya. After years and years of use, it is going strong but the plastic is scratched to hell so it doesn’t look pretty. I don’t have any weird smells, and it functions just as well since I bought it.
I also use glass pitchers, but you have to be really careful with them. Drastic temperature change will break glass – even pyrex. They are also pretty fragile in the fridge, I’ve cracked a few. I pretty much only use my glass ones for cold brew.
edit, I should mention I’ve been using my Takeya non-stop since 2013. It is always in my fridge.
Pyrex is extra not fun to break, one exploded in my oven because I let water evaporate when baking and stupidly put more in there. Left shards in my leg, and basically took eight hours to clean up.
I use two. This Mist Iced Tea Jug for caffeine free teas.
And a Lupica Handy Cooler for caffeinated teas.
This Hario wine bottle pitcher is really nice for cold brewing: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B7XK1HG/ref=twister_B072L7H8N5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
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