Ripe Puerh Tea Sale
Over the years I have collected quite a few Tongs of ripe puerh tea. I have decided to put a few of them on sale trying to price them close to what I paid factoring in the shipping from China. In most cases I am able to either match the price on Yunnan Sourcing or come very close to it so by the time you pay for international shipping the price is the same. Two of the teas were bought from other sources, Tuocha Tea and King Tea on Aliexpress. I have tried to price those competitively as well. The teas are as follows. Some of the teas are the same price as Yunnan Sourcing but US shipping.
2013 Yunnan Sourcing “Hui Run” $40
2013 Menghai Dayi Golden Needle White Lotus $53
2012 Yunnan Sourcing Yi Dian Hong mini cake $7
2012 Nan Jian 703 cake $25
2008 Dayi Hong Zhuang also known as Adorned in Red $45
2008 Xinghai Grade 7 Ripe Puerh Tea Brick $22
2014 Top Yunnan Yellow Dragon Golden Needle Ripe $16 100g
I have lowered the prices on some teas sold by Yunnan Sourcing so on two of them I am actually lower than Yunnan Sourcing and on the other two I am the same price wise. On top of this you pay no international shipping and no customs.
I have posted new photos of the teas that are available for sale.
Sheng compared to shou:
For many years, we used to drink black tea every morning instead of coffee. Now we greatly enjoy shou each morning.We’ve had limited experience with sheng. However, we did enjoy two cakes of Repave. The flavor profile is similar to green tea.
Frequently, I see “bitter” listed as a flavor in Steepster tastng notes for sheng. If sheng is typically bitter, why is it popular?
I don’t know most good shou is not bitter but sweet at least once you get past the fermentation flavor which generally lasts about four to five steeps and then is gone. Some shou is however bittersweet at the start. But it is not usually just bitter like sheng can be.
For example, mrmopar is currently tasting a great deal of sheng. At the bottom of his notes he’s frequently listed “bitter”.
Sheng will develop a more complex profile because it is allowed to age slowly. Wet piling ages shou rapidly but at a loss to subtle flavors. Wet piling is essentially composting the tea and then stopping before it turns fully composted.
there are different kinds of bitter in tea and sheng. and some are very pleasant. Bitterness from tannins and caffeine are often not desired and can be unpleasant when they’re very strong. But there is another type of bitter called kuwei which is “transforming” bitter. This bitterness is pleasant, and transforms into a lingering sweetness or astringency, which often begs for another sip of tea.
Some people prefer more or less of this bitterness, but its this dynamic changing quality that makes sheng exciting.
These teas will soon be listed on Amazon. When they do the price will be higher to cover fees etc. I guess no one will buy them here for a fair price. I am sure if I dropped the prices to $9 and $10 they would sell but it is not worth taking the loss to me.
Allan, what do you have left?
It looks like the Haiwan Peerless is sold. I should have enough of everything else if you are interested.
I have added a tea to the sale. The out of stock 2014 Top Yunnan Yellow Dragon Golden Needle. This is an excellent cake with a lot of good reviews. I have probably six or seven of these to put up for sale. This is a very high quality tea originally purchased from Streetshop88 on EBay.
I like this brick a lot. I have a couple in my stash. It’s pretty clean, rich flavors, brews many steeps. Very enjoyable overall
I really liked it too that is why I bought a bunch. Worst case scenario is I have a lot of this good brick to drink. I am currently getting less than Yunnan Sourcing for it though so someone ought to buy it.
Shipping is the actual price of USPS. For one tea I can fit it in a flat rate envelop around $6.50. For three or four teas the best option is a medium flat rate box for $13.65. I could put the tea in a non postal box and see what they get but probably not much less.
Sometimes a flat rate box is cheaper than using your own box. Sometimes by weight it is more expensive. I put a recent order in a large mailing box instead of a large flat rate box and the shipping quote was about $6 more than the flat rate box so I changed to a flat rate box and paid less.
If anyone is interested in some of these ripe teas they are all high quality and I will give you the best price I can. DM me for specifics on price. I can do a little better than listed on some teas.
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