Bitaco ColombianTea Group Buy

175 Replies
AllanK said

Going to start dividing things up. I have Blodeun, Tony and myself at 150g, Zennon, GooseberrySpoon, Sensiblyscript,and KimK at 100g, and I have Ken, Kaylee, and AKuMa at 50g. If I got any of that wrong let me know soon because I am about to start dividing things up.

That’s correct for me.

Edit: autocorrect :(

Ken said

That looks right to me!

Zennenn said


AKuMa said

Sounds good.

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Roger. I’m good

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AllanK said

Ok, I have now weighed and packaged all the black teas and one of the green teas and I have one thing to mention. I packaged the Green Tropical. I looks for all the world like a black tea although it doesn’t quite smell like one. It may be more oxidized than a normal green tea. When I get to the last two green teas later this evening I will know if they are very dark in color too.

I wounder if the humidity has anything to do with it. Don’t forget Columbia is in a jungle atmosphere.

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AllanK said

I sent out a bunch of PMs with shipping details etc. I am not sure if I got everybody. If you didn’t just get a PM please let me know here so I can send you the details.

AllanK said

I have finished dividing and packaging the tea. There is something unusual about the green tea. All of them look like black teas.

Ken said

Give it a taste, see how they taste.

I get the feeling we are seeing bizzaro world versions of darjeelings!

I’ve had their green tea before but I can’t for the life of me remember what color it was.

AllanK said

I have not tried any of them yet. I may brew one of the greens tomorrow just to see what they taste like. I am hoping the flavored greens make good iced teas. And I agree they look like the opposite of a Darjeeling tea.

Zennenn said

Excellent! Can’t wait to try them, up for anything.

AllanK said

Ok, I tried one of the teas, the tropical Charming. When brewed the leaves were completely green. I thought it was good although I would not use the word spectacular. But then again at $5 for 100g there is little chance I will complain.

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AllanK said

Ok, nearly everyone has sent payment for postage. Those who have should have their parcel mailed to them on Monday. For the one or two who have not sent payment for postage there is still time to pay and send me your shipping address.But please send me your shipping address on Steepster it makes it easier for me.

AllanK said

I believe I am down to one person who has not sent postage yet. There is still time as I can’t go to the post office until Monday.

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AllanK said

Ok, everything is packed and ready to go to the post office on Monday. Unless I get called in to work they will all ship out on Monday.

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AllanK said

Tried another one of these teas, the Andean Princess as a cold brew iced tea. It was good but the flavor of the Andean Raspberry did not seem as strong as a regular raspberry flavor would be.

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AllanK said

Ok, all the packages have been sent out. Even those who had 50g were above the limit for first class so all were sent priority mail.

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Received my tea today. Thank you

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Ken said

Mine should be getting here in a few hours.

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