Puerh Travelling Tea Box 7
I’ve finally finished sorting through the tea boxes. I apologize for the delay, but unexpected work really hit me hard for the last 2 months.
As was the case last time around, nearly all of the action in the pure puerh box was in the sheng portion of the box. 80% of the shou was not sampled. the only real exception seems to be the Bitterleaf donation, which got a lot of action, and a Mandala sample, which was used up.
It seems wasteful to just mail this dead weight around the country if people aren’t going to taste the tea, so I want to propose revising the puerh tea boxes to be a sheng box and the puerh plus box, which will then have a stronger emphasis on shou.
Let me know what you think. One way or another I hope to send the boxes out within a week or two.
I think this is a great idea, but as a mostly sheng drinker I have a bias.
It makes a lot of sense though, people who are more into sheng can have one box and people who are interested in a variety of unflavored tea the other, and no one pays for shipping more than necessary.
Thank you for putting all of this together, I know it must be a great deal of work for you.
Ill stick with the puerh plus box for this round as I really want to put this aged white I got in it, and IM not sure if thats technically a puerh or not, but it is delicious!
Ill probably do the sheng only box next round.
Fine with the boxes being divided up like that, but I’ll probably pull out of the puerh plus box. My primary exploratory interest at the moment is sheng and that’s what the majority of my stash is, so the plus box wouldn’t make sense for me. If my sheng stash isn’t up to par yet then I’ll just wait until the future to participate. :3
I’d be ok with the switch as well. I know from the last couple boxes it seems like many people were sampling just the sheng and then adding shou to balance out the weight.
Jim can you change me to both then?
If there is room I would do both as well, I have been getting into oolongs and other teas to satisfy the plus box lately. (If signups are tight It would be no problem to just do the raw box)
OK. It sounds like the consensus is to make this a sheng-only box. I’m going to make one exception: we had this discussion before the last round and Bitterleaf tea sent some generous samples of two of their shous. Since there are many new participants, I’m going to include those teas, and recommend people try them. You don’t have to replace your shou samples, but please write reviews!
I’ll post soon with a mailing order and inventory.
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