It’s exciting right? Most of the year I drink blacks, oolongs, and pu, but it’s hard to beat fresh spring greens. Yunnan Sourcing already has a few 2017 Yunnan greens listed as the picking season is a bit earlier there than most places.
I am so looking forward to the fresh spring greens. Been busy making a list of vendors to hit up. Yunomi or Yuuki-Cha for Shincha, and Verdant and Taiwan Tea Crafts for Chinese green tea. Where are you all planning to get your greens from?
I am, too. I like to order greens from What-Cha, Yunomi, and Song. Welcome spring!
Me too! I can’t wait to try them! One of our farmers harvested his first batch of Dragonwell on the 16th of Feb! Can you believe that?!? I’m so excited to try this years harvest. I’ll tell you what I think as I get them, and hopefully we will find some noteworthy teas :)
Ditto! I like Yunomi and Den’s Tea for Japanese greens.
Me neither! I love the excitement for spring greens. I usually get them from Den’s Tea and Teavivre.
Yes, pretty excited and even though I purchased a few more 2016 greens in February to get me through, my tea count is now at 63. Hoping to get that down some more before I splurge on the new greens.
I might be getting some from Yunnan Sourcing, Han Ecological Tea , Taiwan Tea Crafts, Grand Tea, & maybe Yuuki-Cha or Yunomi for Japanese greens. I really liked the Organic Miyazaki Kamairicha Okumidori green tea I got last year from Yuuki-Cha.
I’d like to try a new place that I haven’t ordered from before. You never know when you will strike a gem. I ordered from Grand Tea and Taiwan Tea Crafts last year for the very first time and just loved their teas.
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