Where to buy Darjeelings & Assams in San Francisco?
There are lots of great places for green teas in San Francisco, my favorite being Song Tea on Sutter Street, but I can’t find a good place for high quality black teas. Where can I get loose leave Darjeelings and Assams from single estates?
I’m more of a flavored tea kind of fan, so I’m not super familiar with single estate teas, but have you looked at Teance? They have a retail shop and tasting room in Berkeley. They are next door to The Pasta Shop that sells Marriage Freres in bulk and tin as well as some other tea selections.
Great suggestion, Dustin. I visited Teance when they were in Albany years ago, but thought they only sold green teas. Looks like I was wrong. Thanks!
You might find that you can get superior tea online for less money. While I have not ordered direct from India I know that some people on here have and could suggest good websites to get really good tea. Now if you are looking for Puerh in San Francisco there is Purepuer an internet seller who in my understanding sells at a particular San Francisco farmer’s market. I don’t believe he has a brick and mortar store but he does sell very good tea.
Thanks, AllanK. Coincidentally, after making my original post I discovered Upton Tea’s online shop. It’s just what I’ve been looking for.
For future reference, the seller AllanK mentions is: http://purepuer.com/. They appear to sell at the Sebastopol farmer’s market.
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