Moonlight White - help needed
Could someone help me with identifying this tea please?
It was bought from a local shop a while ago as a present for my birthday. I need help with the information on the wrapper and nei piao as my Mandarin skills are rudimentary to say the least.
I’ve got as far (at least I think I have) as confirming the wrapper labels it as a Moonlight White made in Xishuangbanna, as well as a sheng judging by the characters near the weight declaration.
Hopefully these links should work…
nei piao…
Thanks for any help you can give…!
Wrapper: you’re right, this tea is named “Moonlight beauty White Cake Tea”, with net weight 357g. It is a Sheng pu-erh made by Qian Ye Hao factory.
Nei Piao: the first paragraph is a breif information about the material for Sheng and Shu Pu-erh. It says that the material for sheng puerh is from Lincang, and shu puerh is from Menghai.
The last paragraph is a short desciption about the factory and its product scope.
Hope it helps!
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