About tea subscriptions
Hi there!!
I joined this community early this week, I’m new to teas and also a geek-human-being that being said I love Kickstarter, I came across this project: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1186165357/story-of-my-tea-discovering-great-tea-made-simple
I’m planning to go for the 3 month, but I wanted to see which subscriptions are there or which one you like and why is it.
I’m with Varieteas (UK)
You can see my post about the first package I got here:
I’ve done a good amount of research on this the past few weeks and I’ve recently subscribed to my first month of Tea Sparrow ( https://www.teasparrow.com/ ). I’ve yet to receive my first box so I’m not able to give you feedback. I ended up choosing Tea Sparrow because they provide teas from different vendors to try. My reason for wanting to sign up for a subscription in the first place was to try different teas from different companies. Also, Tea Sparrow hosts tea parties every month where the attendees can rate the teas. The teas rated the highest go into the subscription box. It sounded really appealing, knowing I would be getting a tea that was already tried and true by other avid tea drinkers.
Also I wasn’t able to find any reliable reviews on Tea Sparrow so I wanted to give it a shot so I could report back to other drinkers later.
My runner ups were:
-52Teas (http://52teas.com)
Such unique flavored teas I have never thought of trying. I ended up ordering 4-5 small sample teas to try out. I may end up subscribing in the future but their flavors range so drastically I thought maybe best to only order the ones that truly appealed to me when they came along.
-Blend Bee (https://blendbee.com/)
What really appealed to me about Blend Bee was the flexibility in picking the teas you wanted in your subscription. They give you two recommendations for the month but you’re welcome to opt out and choose anything from their shop to replace it with instead.
-A Quarter to Tea (https://www.etsy.com/shop/AQuarterToTea)
Had such great teas in their shop but wanted to try a few before committing to a subscription.
Sororitea has a great article on this that helped me get started on my search – http://sororiteasisters.com/2016/11/11/doesnt-love-teamail/
Tea Sparrow is really great, but I haven’t ordered a box. They were selling teas at the Vancouver Tea Festival. Really nice selection, although I missed the Samovar teas when I was browsing. :(
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