Where do you buy aged white tea?
So the first aged white I managed to locate was from soleiltea.com and after that I wandered around wondering where all the other aged whites were and whether I should try actually learning Chinese or something in order to find them. Currently I’m waiting for a cake from Berylleb/King Tea (which I ordered on ebay last month) to get here from China. Who knows when that’ll happen, lol. Maybe I’ll follow up some of these leads in the meantime. :)
Is aged white tea better than newer one? In fact, I don’t know many about that. I like black tea and I usually buy tea on best-tea, I try many kinds of tea there.You can search there if necessary.
Aged white tea tastes kinda like black tea. Sometimes leafy (think fall) or medicinal as well. Very hard to overbrew, and good boiled on the stove. Not necessarily better or worse.
There was one reviewed by teadb from healthy leaf or something like that. It’s one of their last few reviews
Thats right, here is the link if anyone is interested. http://healthy-leaf.com/product/old-white-tea-2008-lao-bai-cha/
We are just about to launch a few more white tea’s, a 2011 old white, a 2015 old white and hopefully a “ri shai cha” from 2009 (one of my personal favorites).
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