What Teaware Do You Plan to Buy in 2017

30 Replies
TeaLife.HK said

Gonna have to eat my hat…I bought a Kamjove ceramic stove, Chaozhou clay kettle, Chaozhou clay pot (a beaut) and a handmade and chased Chaozhou pewter tea tray (I’ve wanted one for five years). I also have samples of very promising tieguanyin (green and charcoal roasted) coming in from a farm in Anxi to evaluate. At least all of my purchases are tax deductible!

Weasser said

Thanks a lot. I didnt even know those things existed. Now I have to figure out how many I’m going to need of each. :D

TeaLife.HK said

Lol, down the rabbit hole you go!

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Rob said

Nine days into the new year and already got some items….
Damn the soft-focus photography! Makes them sooo tempting.

I’ve been after a matching set of cups for shared tea drinking with family. I currently use a tea bowl for the waste water, but this looks much better.

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leth said

I started the year with an order from teaware.house, white ruyao gaiwan amongst other things. I “needed” it.

My budget has very little room for teaware this year, but I will most likely buy some anyways. I have been thinking about and looking at tea cups a lot recently, so that is most likely what will be bought next.

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Laura B said

I am someone who cannot gradually acquire things – when I have a new obsession I must buy ALL THE THINGS! So having just gotten a taste for GOOD tea in November 2016, I have to say I went incredibly overboard. I have promised my wife that I won’t buy anymore teaware (but dammit I know Bitterleaf will have some things that make me break my promise, I am a sucker for their aesthetic). The goal is to keep tasting and learning and figuring out which teas are my true loves that I want to buy more of.

Ever since I got into gongfucha I find it hard not to be a sucker for teaware aesthetic in general. I used to be completely uninterested in ceramic and whatnot…

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Really want this https://world.tmall.com/item/520248239504.htm?spm=a1z3o.7695460.0.0.A5GrW5&id=520248239504. But I can’t find it in western markets. I suppose I could get a amex gift card and try to purchase from seller. Does anyone have experience with World Tmall on TaoBao.com, also not sure if they ship to US.

mrmopar said

Nice Gaiwan. I can get it sourced for you if you want. I am sure Berylleb on eBay can get it for you. That may be as easy as getting an agent for it.

OK now you’ve opened a new can, agent? This is most dangerous, all I need is ready access to all the things I want in Asia, my poor wallet. How do I go about setting up an agent?

mrmopar said

I can send you her email. Message me your email and I will hook you up. I get them to source lots of tea for me.

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Nothing unless something really catches my eye and it doesn’t cost a pretty penny. Maaaaaaybe a 100ml ruyao gaiwan. I don’t have a 100ml gaiwam – 120ml feels like a lot now, 60ml I use for sampling only, so 100ml feels like middle ground.

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Ralf said

I bought an electric tea kettle (Secura) and a new large mug. Yay.

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